The kingdom you live in has SERIOUS effects on your Consciousness. The way the System was run was Satanic (Anti-God). You either live un-consciously & worship the Beast (System) or have 'Escaped the Matrix' AKA- lived Godly and overcome the world.
"Hell' is a 'Conscious State' - One can become imprisoned within the Consciousness & there are 4 Prisons you can become trapped in, Social Prison's, Mind Prison's, Emotional Prison's & Reality Prison's..
To escape Hell & enter the Kingdom of God, an individual must become:
1. Conscious of Experience & Find yourself.
2. Sovereign over Interactions & Know thyself
3. Familiar of feeling & Heal Thyself
4. Mindful of Thoughts & Know thyself ​
ALL Information on the Prison's with descriptions, examples, effects & Solutions below as Well as Video Series 'Spiritual Prison Break' below...