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The kingdom you live in has SERIOUS effects on your Consciousness. The way the System was run was Satanic (Anti-God). You either live un-consciously & worship the Beast (System) or have 'Escaped the Matrix' AKA- lived Godly and overcome the world. 


"Hell' is a 'Conscious State' - One can become imprisoned within the Consciousness & there are 4 Prisons you can become trapped in, Social Prison's, Mind Prison's, Emotional Prison's & Reality Prison's..


To escape Hell & enter the Kingdom of God, an individual must become:


1. Conscious of Experience & Find yourself. 

2. Sovereign over Interactions & Know thyself 

3. Familiar of feeling & Heal Thyself 

4. Mindful of Thoughts & Know thyself â€‹


ALL Information on the Prison's with descriptions, examples, effects & Solutions below as Well as Video Series 'Spiritual Prison Break' below...

Image by Andre Benz


Social prisons are external pressures, expectations, or constraints imposed by society, culture, family, or peer groups that can limit personal freedom, self-expression, and growth. These social prisons often make people feel confined or obligated to act in certain ways, whether it's because of norms, stereotypes, or social status. 

Image by Paul Volkmer


Mind prisons refer to the mental or cognitive limitations that trap individuals in negative thought patterns, unproductive habits, or distorted perceptions of reality. These prisons limit one's ability to think freely, grow, and experience life in a fulfilling way. They are often built on fear, insecurity, past experiences, or societal conditioning and can hold a person back from personal growth, happiness, and success.

Image by Tom Caillarec



Emotional prisons are mental and emotional states that can trap someone in negative thought patterns, behaviours, self-limiting beliefs, or particular feelings making it difficult for them to feel free, fulfilled, or at peace. These emotional prisons can vary widely from person to person, but some common types include:

Image by Lochie Blanch


A reality prison is referring to something in your direct external reality that has a control over your consciousness, therefore you are not sovereign over it.

Rainbow Clouds




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