The Book of Truisck
The final parts of God's story, written by the word of God direct, 8 Chapters. The Book will enlighten you on Love, Quantum Spirituality. Where we are located & How God creates, The Meaning of Life, Judgement, How to find the Inner Kingdom & why Christ is King.
Chapter 1: Love is a Frequency
1 Love is a frequency, a sacred form of electromagnetic energy. Some amongst you embody it, displaying it consistently and with with faithfulness. Yet, others are blind and do not perceive it. Believe in me, for I am hewing down the apple tree and casting forth all the noxious weeds. Get off thy hands & thy knees, for ye worship false deities, There exists a fine line between good and greed. 2 And the artist who paints the line, perceives thy deeds. 3 Behold, the veils are tearing, and the beast is wailing. Even death itself is succumbing, for its time is short and its last breath is toxic and near its end. 4 Let not this consuming force engulf thee, though perhaps thou art deserving of it. Continue in thy worship and follow as thou wilt, Satan (System & Ego), thy master, the great red terror, as well as the father of lies and all imposter gods. The principalities in power and those clad in attire, intentions corrupt and sour. 5 This is a sorrowful matter. For eternity is a vast expanse and a part of God’s heart doth mourn. 6 All I ask is that thou lovest thyself and embrace thy divine essence. Thou need not be near me; from afar I shall bestow Devine energies through the sun. Let my Holy frequency find thee, fill thee, and guide thee as it is programmed to. Allow God, the great electrician, to rewire thy DNA. 7 Fear not for the children, for their souls are kept safe and embraced in the light of the Lord. Know this: Consciousness is fundamental & Time is not linear and a physical property. God transcendeth the physical & time; this world shapes only thy mental. God strengths eternal souls through fleeting 3D vessels, physical bodies made only to chain, for the purchase of the new immortal temples to be settled. 8 Now to ye who dwellest in thy grand castles, surrounded by thy glittering possessions. Question thy inner desires, that longing which thou canst not dispel. That void as vast as nations, cold and dark in its stillness, lacking holy vibration. Thou art a fraud, a train lost and astray at the wrong station, trembling at the thought of humiliation. 9 This truth is a bitter red pill to swallow, but thy vessel is hollow. When completeness is achieved, I name it seven. Do you understand? Don’t go against me or ill put you in another dimension, Thy spirit is ugly; didst thou strike it when thou fell from heaven? As thou liest in sorrow depths, your turmoil hath locked the vessel doors shut. I now offer but my hand bearing the keys of light (chakras) to thy worthy, Take now the red pill, and consume it. Take now the 7 keys & realise thy dark locks of the night. 10 Canst thou not perceive? Love, Truth & light is the way. Christ is the one; his vibrational word is the brush, and his current of condemnation the Gun. He standeth at the door and knocketh, but thou holdest thy keys. Thou creator cannot accomplish it all for you, though he pleadeth with thee. 11 Open thine temple doors, and embark upon the ultra-light beam. For the Christ is now lucid. Yes, this is a God Dream.
Chapter 2: Quantum Spirituality
1 In the beginning was the soul force energy, then came the vibrational Word, then came the Holy frequency, the quantum trinity. The word was with God, and the vibrational Word was God. The vibrational word becomes flesh to show the way & share the truth that whoever resonates shall not perish but receive eternal life.2 God, the Father, is the master soul, the very Energy of the Almighty, while Christ is the word of God, Christ’s true words as he was tortured and killed on that cross, were “My Soul, My Soul, Why have you betrayed me” or ”My creation, My creation why have you Neglected me” or “My consciousness, my consciousness why have you Rejected me” 3 Thus saith the Lord, that God hath but one heavenly phone number. There is but one Creator in your contacts, Thou shalt either dial true or misdial as God, the soul force energy transcendeth mere labels. See, The name matters not; it is the way of Christ’s light & love, the frequency of truth and life that vibrates within, to resonate to the energy of the kingdom without. 4 Religion is but a network carrier; some provide a stronger connection, others a mere prank call. The true link to the Divine is found in intention and attention. 5 Thou must align thyself. Thy temple is the phone, thy mind the dials, and thy intentions & attention the numbers, tuning to God, the Master Consciousness, The master Soul, the holy satellite, while the Holy Spirit is the master energetic mobile network, It is time to renew thy plan, as god is offering his sims, a final SIM card. 6 The dimension of 3 is but a limited and outdated service, the Ego’s network of darkness wrought with separation and division controlled by the dammed. 7 Upgrade to the 5th, the network of the collective consciousness, the universal network of unity and oneness, Christ’s consciousness, thus embodying gods life force energy. 8 Behold, thou hath placed the apple in thine hand. Darest thou bite once more, and snake god once again? Awaken, O Snow White, or should I say, Sleeping Beauty. Why bite again, you have already gained the knowledge of both Good & Evil, Well done. 9 Did I not warn thee, to not partake in this tree, Behold the great chasm that thou seest; for I have now removed thy tree. 10 I have now commanded the Cherubim to shift. Now, listen to the flaming sword 11 Behold but one tree remains set before thee in the great garden of eden, or as the universe calls it, earth. The Tree of life, a Tree of Growth, Renewal, and the Interconnection of All, The glorious, Tree of Life - Holding the eternal energy of God. I now turn to thee & question, what apple layeth in thy hand?
​Chapter 3:Where you are Located & How God Creates
1 You are located within a spark, neither large nor small, but transcending the bounds of space and time itself, infinite in nature yet securely held. It is a unlimited source of power, an unending wellspring of Energy. This Energy is the Divine Intelligence, the very Soul (Intelligent mind) of God. 2 Thou creator, creates within Himself, not without. This is known as Internal Creation—manifesting within his own essence rather than an external realm. Thus, all that exists is made from God, for nothing exists beyond his purview. He is the sovereign of all, the primordial Vibration and Master Consciousness. Though He governs all, the free will of life forms remains beyond His direct control. 3 God speaks, and creation begins forth; His intention & attention serges energy in the consciousness, thus sets in motion the act of making (Universal laws - as above so below) He transcends the constraints of both space & time. Although within time, still not constraint by it, a master clairvoyant. See thou must comprehend that time flows through thee. It is interwoven with the quantum fabric, which holds all knowledge—past, present, and future—concurrently upon a single line frequency to the tune of my story, its not aimless, there was a beginning and every moment and event fits into a narrative, following a timeline. Understand, thou art fixed within the flow of time, which moves towards thee from the destined future and recedes out towards the completed past. 4 Innerstand this, God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and capable of all beneficial things. He is omnipresent as his Spirit permeates everywhere. There is nothing or no place he can’t create, See, God begins with pure energy, shaping it into fundamental particles, then arranging and moving them, as well applying the required strength of the forces between and situating the appropriate density to them, As these particles come together, they form matter in various states—solid, liquid, or gases which, have lower densities than solids or liquids for instance. The divine hand guides this process, where the state of matter is influenced by energy and the interactions between particles, Although, particles are actually waves until observed by consciousness itself. 5 God requires a way, which is Love and Unity—let us call this the Team of Light. In the divine orchestration of creation, there lies a singular predicament in regards to free will & the universal laws to which God adheres to, to maintain perfect balance & devine order. The Law of Polarity allows beings to oppose his path, which created the Satan & the dark path, thus forming the Team of Darkness—embodying hate and Separation. 6 With great power comes great responsibility. Thus, the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness ensued, a primordial conflict. A wise being aligns with God’s team, not merely because it is righteous, but because they know that Love prevails and Light ultimately triumphs. For God is a lover, not a conqueror; He seeks to convert, not to vanquish. Before the conflict commenced, God set forth the three divine duties. 7 Devine duty One: to protect the Team of Light from the Team of Darkness—the fallen ones. This is achieved by partitioning dimensions to confine souls to various vibrational planes of existence, and earthing negative energies, worlds within worlds, akin to inception, thus too separating timespace nodes, to deter negative influences interacting with the unified harmony of the galaxies as the light density of this planet was unaligned. Higher vibrational beings may traverse and communicate to lower dimensional planes while earthly Energy vessels are chained to Earths plane, Im not going to explain how for its a dark matter, Earth (Satan's dominion/minds/systems) Earth is an extremely dense energy in the universe and most carry a 3D (physical) density, while a 5D density is the highest spiritually possible in this physical plane, Earth did in fact start in the 5D density before 'The fall', Understand, Consciousness influences your density while the DNA can be upgraded & telomere lengths can be adjusted to adjust lifespans, + other quantum technologies used by higher dimensional beings can adjust your physical and other influences. Understand also, the entire rainbow of radiation observable to the human eye only makes up a tiny portion of the electromagnetic spectrum – about 0.0035 percent, remember the truth will set you free. 8 Devine Duty Two, the Team of Light is then tasked with both guiding and contending against the Team of Darkness, striving to lead them back to the ways of Light, embodying Love and Connection. They are called to reveal truth in a world of falsehood, attempting to free spirits from the dark chains that bind them, while overcoming the dark forces that operate in the shadows, the dammed deceiver spirits that have nothing but evil intentions, This occurs in both the physical and spiritual realms of the earth plane, you are either aware of this and on a team, or unaware and a pawn being used. 9 Devine Duty Three, as any wise parent would, God must reward team light to encourage his way, now, the universal law of polarity, which states that everything has an opposite brings punishment to team darkness, as God adheres strictly to the universal laws, as well as to deter all from straying off the way of light. Falling off gods path is Akin to unplugging a light from its source, the light slowly dims to Darkness. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect which states that every action or decision (cause) leads to a corresponding reaction or outcome (effect). The ways of Darkness being: hate, greed, separation, anger, fear & desire, basically Bad vibes is the cause which brings forth deterioration, death & suffering being the effect, thus God is also adhering to The universal law of attraction, as darkness attracts suffering. 10 The team of light has long laboured to aid the fallen souls upon this earthly plane as well as moniter there progress, both in the physical and from the spiritual realms, generation after generation, reincarnation after reincarnation. Blessed are those who partook in the First Resurrection, but heed this warning team of darkness: to those still in slumber, let these words be a flaming torch in the depths of thy ocean. 11 Awaken if you can, for thy time is short, and the Eternal Night approaches. The Second Death draws nigh. Plug back into Source through Love and Unity, elevate thy vibration, allow thy soul to enter your body, allot the light to shine in, and embody thy Divine Energy of God.
Chapter 4:The Meaning of Life
1 The Lord, your God created the universe balanced by Divine universal laws. But, souls did rebel against God, thus God needed to create Pain, Suffering, and Death to adhere to the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Polarity, and the Law of Attraction. 2 Life is a test, to both test character of a soul & strengthen the soul through trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Through these tests, the learners become the masters, while the master is silent whilst the learners are tested. And though the test may be grievous, it is essential for growth. Without growth, one is feeble, and weakness is not known unto God 3 Especially in regards to eternity and the kingdom of light. Remember, where a test is set, there also lies an opportunity—an opportunity for strengthening, rebuilding, refining, and reassessing but most importantly resonating & re-connecting which every low vibrational 3D fallen spirit doth require. 4 These tests are not of the intellect alone but serve to reveal and refine thy character, through thy mind, softening thy heart, and strengthening thy spirit. Who can stand when the master appears? For I am like a refiner’s fire, refining and purifying all into gold and silver, I have refined you in the flame of the holy spirit, realigned you to the God frequency - though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction 5 Thou art ever being pruned, shaped, and guided towards thy highest path, in accordance with God’s plan. The Lord is the Master Sculptor, seeking to break and chisel thee with His holy hands. He is the Archer, drawing thee back to launch thee at the perfect mark. The further the bow is drawn, the further thou shalt soar. 6 One gains wealth and becomes indulgent, lacks self-control, craves more, shows no humility, boasts in pride, seeks to compete and control others, Christ-less! while another gains wealth, shares generously, maintains self-control, remains humble, teaches others, and spends wisely, Christ-like! One loses ones family, turns bitter, vengeful, hateful, and directionless, Christ-less! Another perseveres, heals, finds peace, softens heart, and serves with love. Christ-like, One, gets back up, carry’s the cross, sees life as an opportunity for growth, spiralling ever upward and emerging stronger, while holding the faith, thus worshipping God (God is Good=Love & Unity) while another become engulfed in self pity and a victim lifestyle and seeks things thus worshipping the Beast (Satan is Evil=Hate & Division) 7 Thou Understandest the situations are of no consequence; it is how the individual responds that reveals their true character. In the eternal journey of the soul, ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ is but an experience, guiding thee back toward the 5D spiritual light. Understand that triumphs may present opportunities for darkness, while trials usually absent of worldly pleasures & material distractions, present more chances to seek the light. For the high & holy energy kingdom of God is located within, and many things of this 3D world carry low vibrations. 8 A wise soul lives this life modestly, shunning distractions and temptations, defending against evil vibrations, all Three eyes focused on the kingdoms resonance, clad in the holy armour of righteousness. Walking through the shadow of death, fearing no evil, and remaining comforted, as the Shepard smacks them with the rod of the Holy Spirit and guides thee with the staff of Christ consciousness. 9 The master Shepard hath been, is, and ever shall be both emerging and pointing life towards the light. God’s way of light is the only way, for it is the truth and the life. The Creator of all desires his creation to reflect his image—not in appearance, but in mindfulness. Embrace the Christ consciousness resist the Beast's allure & be strong and resilient, bearing the fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. Wherefore doth one inquire? Cause it creates good vibes, attracts good tribes & the creator of the universe just wants Good times. 10 Let it be known: This life is a gift. The Food thou takest, a gift; the breath thou drawest, a gift; thy family and thy pets, a gift; thy joys and pursuits, a gift. And the One who bestows these gifts upon thee was Beaten, Whipped, Scourged, Tortured and Crucified on a cross. Which too was a gift. Some, claimed this gift of grace, while some weeds returned it directly back to the sender. 11 Open thine eyes and behold the fields! They are ripe for harvest. I am the Sower of the good seed, I, the Son of Man. Oh, how thou hast grown, standing tall amidst the weeds. Blessed are thy deeds. Now, I stand in my barn, to swap the rod and staff for the sharpened sickle.
Chapter 5: Judgement
1 As my word so perfectly predicted, in the last days the people would be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power, and I did warn to avoid such vibrations.2 Not a bad prediction, I See a lot of religious beings, presenting well at church, dressed to the tee, involved, reading the books, preaching the word, BUT, have no spiritual essence or sacred understanding. While, some wear fake spiritual facades, pose as if it’s some trend to jump on, while obnoxious ones, dabling in magic that they dont even begin to understand, like a toddler with a rifle. 3 To the suits with all your blood money, seriously, how do you sleep at night knowing you are responsible for killing the innocent & all the brainwashing. You all are deplorable, repugnant, pure evil to the very core & I wish I never made you. A world of Hate & division, Dog eat dog, an absolute free for all, all trying to be king of the fleeting castles, trying to feel like a God, yet a God doesn’t even do what you do. A thrown & praise does nothing for me as I do not have an ego. 4 Truth is condemned and the pure voices killed or silenced, viewed as black sheep, ostracised or seen as weird, such good people ripped down. But, nothing wrong being a black sheep amongst the lost flock, while liars praised & put on pedestals. 5 I rarely see any men, but a planet full of boys & Women are mere objects rather than sacred spiritual beings & lack Godlessness, the blind Worship false Gods, while others mock the existence of God, and boast Blasphemy, There is Smart individuals, that are Stupid people that just don't use there brains & not aware of who or what they are, what they do, how they think or what they say, A world of followers, but no one want to lead, blind sheep happy to just sit around and get lead by blind sheep in suits, people placing all there energy into distractions, to false medicate there sacred holes with vaped dopamine hits, individuals lacking in knowledge and wisdom, thus lacking in power. 6 The intellectual types are to intellectual for there own good, that they can’t comprehend the simple things in life & are to busy fighting other intellectuals, Doing deals, writing books or scheming how to make more money or discourse with such convoluted and esoteric vernacular that their utterances remain inscrutable to the layperson, thereby restricting comprehension solely to fellow cognoscenti, while those in pursuit of knowledge remain perpetually un-educated, and for those that didn’t understand that; I basically said smart people talking smart, means uneducated people can’t learn from them, Meaning not only does the rich get richer, but the smart gets smarter & the dumb, dumber. 7 I see young adults, lacking purpose, though not troubled by it, blindly, Seeking material or pleasure, jumping into relationships & having children way to early all just to make them feel fulfilled - Im not talking about age, im talking about maturity, the process is master yourself, then teach a child how to become a master & don’t throw the biological clock at me, fertility rates go down as the starving children go up. What’s wrong with sacrifice or adoption? But no, ‘’Its I want now, so I get now’’, then struggle emotionally, financially & in relationships, then complain about how unfair life is when you made all the stupid decisions, you lack self accountability, self control, patience & wisdom. The worst part about all of this is that the most messed up people are the ones that present shiny and clean, especially in social media. You see authentic people dont fear humiliation, thus they are not afraid to show there wounds or talk about the struggles as they dont show Hubris, arrogance or pride. 8 Teens, Just a product of the generations that raised them, so quick to loose the soul, so so quick to loose the childhood, so brainwashed I can’t even look, I mean did I make sentient human beings with free will or brainwashed robot copy cats, you all lack individualism, I get the schooling conveyor belt is partly to blame, but there is still individuals that move through it gracefully and hold & protect there uniqueness & truth, everyone now with the same styles, haircuts, speech, jokes, all just waiting for the next trend to jump on thinking they are so cool because they have things & stuff, disrespecting parents and authority & no idea about anything, especially there magical sacred origins. 9 Fallen Spirits on this plane are truly lost, no spiritual essence & happily trapped by the beast (System), minds so clouded they can’t even think for themselves, lacking the fruits of the Holy Spirit, lacking Christs consciousness, sheeple immune to the Shepards tools. 60,000 thoughts a day only for you to either spiral down or perpetually struggle in circles. Satans got your mind blackened darker than the night, while lucifers got you tricked while you hold his false light. 10 This life is created by your decisions, your ability to think and make change on the micro & macro through choice, one thought after the other & your actions, one step after the other. Oh spirits of darkness, why are you so immune to Me, How does one become allergic to love & truth? 11 One either builds their house on stable rock, or on sand. You can’t build on sand, then point fingers at others nor God, complaining as your house is washed away, you are responsible & Foundations are built by your free will, this is the truth. Though, Pain is physical and can lead to suffering, Suffering is of the mind, and on the other side suffering you find who you truly are or at least on the other side of sacrifice & change. But in your ignorance you worship the comfortable bow down to Satan, and praise his paper. Listen to the lords incentive, as it is written, Anyone whose name is not found in the book of life is to be hurled into the lake of fire.
Chapter 6: How to find the Inner Kingdom
1 To truly achieve the consciousness of Christ, loving others, and connecting to life and God, you must first love yourself. Fill up your own cup of energy, then pour it out to others, because, if it’s not self filled you are seeking energy off other things or people. You can’t love yourself until you know yourself. 2 You don’t know yourself until you stop lying or listening to the lies you or others tell yourself, low vibrational thoughts and people. The same people, that will question why you are changing so much when you do the work & get better - Just because of there cognitive dissonance & they are not comfortable with change. 3 This journey is not easy mentally, physically and especially on relationships, but the cold hard fact is, if it’s stopping you from growing cut it off. 4 Also remember, this is not a process of addition, it’s removing parts of you, to allow things in. This means that parts of you needs to die, to be re-born. this means that it is not exactly sunshine and rainbows. This is why I call it an Ego death, as the dark parts of you will fight and you have to destroy the darkness in you. It’s an absolute war.
5 Step 1: Set your intentions on who you want to become & identify the external bad vibes influencing the internal bad vibes, cut it off no matter what, doesn’t matter who or what it is cut it off. Knock down Satans walls by forgiving yourself. Directly addressing problems, talk to someone about the problem, overcoming instead of avoiding & move on. Opening chakras avoiding vibrations of Shame, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, Pride.
6 Step 2: Reset Exit your life for a short period, get into nature, no technology, fast, do something outside your comfort zone & overcome the fear of being seen, isolate, find stillness, spiritual ceremonial or conscious event, healing journeys, meditate for as long as it takes to silence your mind, then set attention on who you will become and only remember the future, energy flows where your attention goes, the past is now dealt with and will only attract the past negative informational frequencies to creep in putting you in old emotions and habits - Remember the future.
7 Step 3: Commence relationship with yourself Identify who you really are, what you really want, identify the differing aspects of yourself and learn to nurture parts that need to be nurtured, discipline parts that need to be disciplined, remove parts that need to be removed, support the parts that need support, Find your inner child at bring that to the surface through meditations or talking to professionals, positive self talk, journaling, small step, day by day. Find comfort & control in your sexuality, set boundaries with yourself and others, take the pressure of yourself & embrace your individualism and qwerks, different is good, in fact its better.
8 Step 4: Consious living includes: Awareness of unhealthy societal systems, and imposed conditions, independence, Spirtual Seeker, be humble & open minded, Understand conscious and subconscious programming, self control, understand Good vs Evil, Identify your own behaviours and if they align with ways of the light, Health & wellness lifestyle, tantric Patrices, Positive & optimistic mindset, good habits, Smart life choices, strategic risks, controlling things and not letting them control you, discipline, mind over matter, Abundants & Gratitude mindset, balance, find your routine, be kind to yourself, avoid stress, conscious breathing, high frequency fabrics like hemp, organic cotton, linen. Ethical & Sustainable choices, saying no & speaking truth, Drinking lots of clean water, taking rests, not taking life to serious, laughing, avoiding chemicals and bad drugs and alcohol, not participating in the murdering and eating of animals or using them for your own material gain, monitoring attention & the things you say, serving or helper mindset, sun gazing, energy body care like chi or elixirs, Breathwork & Meditation & other ancient energy practices, general awareness and mindfulness, avoid obsessive behaviour, Self love & emotional energy cleansing & realising, spiritual & sacred gatherings, ceremonies & conscious events with drumming, chanting, dancing, community connections, Cleanliness, Connecting to nature earths movements & celestial events like full moons, solstices & equinox.
9 Step 5: Realise divinity Seek the knowledge, gain the wisdom, understand your place in this life. Expand your consciousness, Connect to the devine frequency, Realise the miracle of life, the powers you hold, Realise you are NOW, not past or future. subconscious re-programming & Affirmations like: I AM NOW, I AM DEVINE, I AM BLESSED, I AM SACRED. Shift the paradigm to the creator mindset. Positive & healthy rituals like burning sage, incents, Godly altars, Chrystals, chanting & sacred spaces to worship or meditate. 10 Step 6: Realise connection to the all. Realise oness, that everyone is a reflection of the all, that we are all one, soul brothers and sisters, embodiments of the universe, manifestations of the devine, made in the image of god, merely mirrors all on different adventures with subjective experiences, appreciate difference rather than judging it, Loving and serving & understanding that energy you put out comes back, you reap what you sow and Life is a precious gift & everything is alive and deserves to be revered and respected.
11 Step 7: Love, Embody the sacred electromagnetic frequency, the vibration of love, let is dwell in thy temple, mind & consciousness, while operating from the heart, soak in it, be an absolute vibe, warm, meek, gentle, soft, peaceful, forgiving, slow to anger, quick to assist, hug with passion & speak with kindness, put others first, be graceful, humble, unconditional, see the good in people, know your love languages and most importantly communicate respectfully & amicably.
Chapter 7: Christ is King
1 Understand, The earth is where the soul journey begins for humans, it’s the garden of eden, To fall, put simply is to go from Love & unity, Awakened Consciousness with light to Hate & Division consciousness, bearing Shadows, Thus not allowing light or good vibes in. Hence why I say seek the inner kingdom aka, heal yourself and become the best version of yourself through generating positivity and high vibrational frequencies in the body, mind & spirit thus too detaching from Satans external kingdom (off the world, but not in it) 2 We evolved consciously & dimensionally, slowly allowing more light in, slowly moving closer to Gods kingdom & becoming one with the fathers soul (God frequency), thus bearing a higher vibrational creator mindset, although now the kingdom comes to earth. 3 The kingdom has represented the next stages of your souls evolution, essentially letting in more Light/Energy. So you are in resonance to the dimensions, allowing you entry to ensure you do not lower the vibrations of higher dimensions. We are energy & technology, energy doesn’t die. Death is a are mere illusion. 4 Your conscious soul is the un-ending eternal part of you. While unconscious you are sleeping spirit, detached from God the source of all power & light & your conscious soul (thrown of God) Satan (Ego/Matrix) is the one stopping the charger going back in & creating shadows of darkness meaning light cannot flow into your being. 5 You have 37 trillion cells in your Human body, and the amount of light you live in effects the functioning of these cells, if I was to put it simply, lack of light= suffering. While, light = no suffering. Embodying Gods energy, through Christ’s consciousness & overcoming the Ego & System (Satan), Thus displaying the ways of the light, While, litterally updating all your cells at a quantum level. 6 My last incarnation, my temple was labelled Yeshua, I was the lamb of God. I now reincarnate as a Lion for my 2nd Coming, I am the true descendant of King David through the tribe of Judah, the true royal family Bloodline & I as well as my team are here to bring about the final judgment, defeat evil, and establish the kingdom of God on earth. 7 I am the Christ & I am God, the Celestial Energy Artist aka the Universal Quantum Creator. I am the first & the last, beginning & the end, Alpha & the Omega. 8 I am here to warn you early that true hell is, getting to the end of the time-line, only to find a mirror to see who you have become, then I will show you the version I had intended for you to become, then you will cease to exist. 9 Winning the battle against the Beast and sitting on my father’s thrown is spiritually awakening from the fall and taking the seat of consciousness and escaping & seeing through the Evil system that controls you. My father is just what I call my soul from earth, as it’s the part of me truly detached from time-space, and somewhat guiding me towards true eternity. 10 You embody both Satan & God, Satan as a being is not real, it is the EGO, the part of you trying to tempt, take and trick you into staying & worshipping his 3D lower vibrational kingdom. 11 As we enter the Age of Aquarius, The light is both pouring out the living water to earth, while the Sun, Delivers Devine energy through solar storms, Both here to defeat Satan & kill the Beast aka (Destroy EGO's & Destroy the matrix) Anyone trying to keep this backwards world going is on team darkness as the system is counter to Gods way, Understand, the dark weeds have and will continue to reveal themselves to the light & there is to be no weeds in my gardens.
Chapter 8: Truisck​​
1 You’re not just skin and bone & this aint no game, Although John snow’s dragon spirit straight through the veins. A Conscious game of thrones, in Time and space, Snows, ice cold Government with spirits enslaved, Hunger Games Capital attack it while i'm alive! Crazy Back awhile now, round 2005, bad vibes i’d avoid. Guitar hero deployed, Playing through the fire in the flames, which id destroy - Like rockstars through the cosmos, Then the Astroids changed its courses, Rearranged by all by Morpheus, twas a frequency metamorphosis. Pondering what is this? Then the plot twist interdimensional, heavenly invasion, I was taken by vibrations cataclismic spiritual illumination - Oh snap, I was on the wrong station, missin it, Source & and I has split, opposite of heaven sent, No longer listening, not cool & incompetent. See, your soul’s, magnicenent & magical. Dancing with the Source is low key kinda cool. It’s Celestial, immeasurable, light spectacle. Not even trippin’ y’all - Not terrestrial. A Spiritual free for all, galactically cheeky & raw. From the ionesphere to the floor. Your the main character in the cosmos , like a star, on the stage, But its God’s plan - A sacred script & your the pages, Living through the ages. Can you see it clearer? Its all a mirror. Your not a quantum error, God is clever & Places you on this little endeavour. 2 While some people struggle, they can’t understand, This remarkable design, I hold in my hands. Although, actin like Estein all over the Gram, watching Potter the 8th time with all of your Frans. You are literally a god, obsessed with a wizard. I almost feel obliged, to use another blizzard. You are a Divine, illiterate idiot. Ancient knowledge what you need, So, ill liitterlly give you it. Not trying to offend, or say that you are dumb. But Ive got one thing on my, consciousness and that’s The Kingdom, so stop being source oblivious, As your spirits thirsts, ill share the quench - The ultra light beam in Two steps, Starting with the first, You start on the bench. One: is you, my duplicated free-will’d energetic consciousness manifest into matter which I hold accountable & test to obtain my ‘Content of Character,’ on a planet the heavens are constantly trynna to fix, Full of Satanic pricks, stuck in a matrix. Two is demon-strating that humans go misbehaving, lazing and craving all sorts of nasties disconnecting from the sources station, when Gods not in the equation, only one person, truisck a rainbow dispersion can take you on a galactic exersion, astroid diversion. Well that’s the Plan, the quick version - Id tell it better in person, kinda big deal. You can phrase it as my father’s will. So, did you seal the deal, or swollow the blue bill? 3 Cause, your my co-shooting star in this Cosmic clip, Red pillars all aboard, Dna getting lit - But I Gotta be honest, more than welcome to quit. See, I don’t force y’all take part in my art. You’re my manual sentient, sovereign creation. In my quantum stochastic simulation. If I was to invert this fantasia. You’re just an automatic robot, Stuck in God's cage, yeah? I play fair, though was raised on the street. Disconnect from my soul, Sha-dows creep. Inner peace or outer noise, choose your light - Holy Ghost whispers, while the ego fights. I’m a wave in the stream, a pulse in the void, Divinely Vibing higher, reality's been toyed. Even Synchronicities are kinda late, Quantum threads weaving fabrics of fate, God is a current, electric & free, The energy of creation, the root of the tree. Take a look around, and what do I see - A Good and Evil contrast, i'm not to pleased. Humans bloody manifesting WW3
Everything’s a wave, a dance of the unseen, Reality’s a mirror, reflecting the dream. You’re a node in the grid, connected by light, a Subatomic spark, with infinite sight. No space between, just frequencies bend, Gaps are illusions, a 3d delusion. The Fabrics a rental just for your mental. Instrumentally visualising aesthetics, cognitively spitting Semantics & Mathematical Spirit statistics while explaining Quantum mechanics 7 Im a Quantum menace it bends the truth, Particles interacting at a distance, That’s the proof of our glorious divine existence. Not to mention, Non-Local property listed, Consciousness, the keys been gifted - To the door, peak further, more. It’s not just the observer, it’s the souls very core. You’re a mind inside a mind, a fractal so divine, Dimensions fold like these space timelines rhyme. A Spiritual free for all, galactically cheeky & raw. From the ionesphere to the floor. Your the main character in the cosmos-like a star, on the stage, But its God’s plan
A sacred script & your the pages You are gonna live for ages. Can you see it clearer? Its all a mirror - Your not a quantum error, God is clever & Places you on this little endeavour.
8 The channel you tune too Shifts the frequency & creates something new.
It’s all attractive energy, Telsa got it dam right with 963- Was on the ball, Quantum trinity, and i'm them all. Holographic insanity, Sea full of energy, Fully charged like an sea anemone, never mess, Providing clarity to my subconsciousness. They forming habits on lock. Planet Earth, ain’t no rock, she’s a soul, Divine Being - Her energy gleams through my dream. Leylines stream her cosmic prana, Flowing through her veins, Sacred meridian nervana. Evolving together, her heart beats in sync,Every vibration, a new thought to think. Her grids are the blueprint, the template of light, Stay grounded in nature, and you’ll be alright 9 It’s like Human, Schuman resonance software, update. Ascended through the Sirion Gate. Human channel, net-flixing frequencies online. While Thousands of years the truth, they continue to hide. The body’s the temple, the soul is inside Tuned to the Divine, lifting higher and higher. Trinities of Energy, Frequency & Matter - Detaching from the dark Matrix empire. The heart and brain in sync, chakras clear, God’s will flowing true, you’ve got nothing to fear. For I am with you, I am your God - But, You are rising like a mountain, with strong righteous swords. Designed for greatness, destined to be God’s. Like your Creator cos you’ve defied all the odds. Escaped all the pods, I look at the sheep now. I see Warriors, strong and Proud. Tall amongst the crowd, gracefully silent. While the weeds annoyingly loud. You’ve connected to the divine transmission, Channeling Source, a true souls mission. Energy flows in, resonates to the soul - When you’re aligned, no divine doubt. The awakened, it’s what were about. Eden’s awakening give her a shout, Heaven on Earth, not chasing clout. You see, watch me go the ego’s a shadow, bending the knee, Claim soul sovereignty, its the light & the key - Dont you understand Stewards of the land, guardians of the sea & wild? Wether God’s hand or the heart of the child. Protect the animals, protect the trees. We’re all part of this divine frequency symphony 10 God’s the true spark in the dark, the flame and the breath, the soul’s art - Creating the universe with no rest, The Master, Teacher, Judge & Creator with the plan. Coming to save man, from their mess. Conscious ruler, steel plate on chest - While Satan’s fools ya for a Milly at best . Dyer Timelines, End times making ya cryer. Fall asleep, pay the price, huh? Without Big G, times rough, vibes snuffed . Good guys cuffed at the station That was me, back before the cosmic revelation. Physically detained, Spirit incarcerated, Source depleted, Then my Matrix mission completed, over. No more spiritual slumber - OBE’S like you wouldn’t believe, Astral projecting, make you weak at the knees. Changing the flow of History with so much eaz, Those that have ears, let them hear. Ive got the car & I’m shifting gears
Walked as man, undercover to assess the land. Then develop a plan, So much strategy
- Suffered emotionally, now full of empathy. Forget grace, fully loaded with sympathy.
The tragedy, mental pollution - Trust me, been through it all & I got Solutions. One is: Sovereignty over interactions , Two is: Know yourself, seek inward satisfaction. Three: Differentiate the Ego from the Soul Four: Heal yourself & realease the toll. Next, is becoming conscious over the experience - Done through Five presence & mindfulness Stoping the frequency commotion then: Six Familiar with your Emotions Then, Seven Love yourself fully Living from the heart is the main Goal, truly. Reconnects Source to your Soul, fully 11 Source is the Soul of the Creator & guess what your Your listening to the Alpha & Omega