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The ConsciousnessRevolution 

Revolution Recap

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The Consciousness Revolution | Episode One. The Return of Christ (I am back)

The Consciousness Revolution | Episode One. The Return of Christ (I am back)

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The Consciousness Revolution | Episode 2. Understanding God

The Consciousness Revolution | Episode 2. Understanding God

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The Consciousness Revolution | Episode 3. Quantum Spirituality

The Consciousness Revolution | Episode 3. Quantum Spirituality

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Welcome to the Age of Aquarius 




(You are a soul having a human experience) Your duplicated divine energetic soul is a unique boundless unending awareness memory stream broadcast of consciousness tuned & downloaded to your specific & unique energetic being manifest as a highly sophisticated machine with Resonant Mechanisms & flexible resonance abilities, simultaneously interacting & co-creating through the 'interface of reality' Which is actually quantum fields of pure potential expressed as waveforms & electrical signals, then to interference patterns, then into particles, then fundamental states of matter (Gas, solid, liquids forming 3D OBJECTS like your brain, which is a 'reducing valve' in the energy field itself for your soul to receive signals via sensory transduction to experience this digital universe (creation) as the Universe in 1st person & in real time as a sentient life-form that wills decisions free-ly based on reciprocal internal & external influences via your ATTENTION & INTENTIONS set by your internal vibrational frequencies through thought & receiving external vibrational frequencies via experiences and perceptions, then emitting energy through ACTIONS.



Unconsciousness Definition:

Not awake and aware of and responding to one's environment.

(Spiritually Asleep) 



Truisck's Consciousness Definition

Being in harmonic resonance to the God frequency & interacting with the 'interface of reality' in an aware & awakened state.  


Your Soul is the Highest Version of You, the devine part of you ALWAYS One with God. Though you can detach from Both God & Soul through living unconsciously, which is essentially is succumbing to the flesh, and letting the the External Reality 'Human' experience control you. 



Your Soul is at the 'Root'. ​

Your problems must be solved at the ROOT


The Light has been working through spirit, strangers, family, friends and colleagues to try reveal the truth to your Soul, trying to spread light in this dark world.


You have either found the way of truth & life as Jesus taught or fallen once again for ways of the world.  




The way the Beast / Satan (Empire) runs his Kingdom (Matrix) is NOT GOOD.

Some of the issues this Matrix System include: Inequality, Political Polarisation, Divide & Conquer, Rich/Poor imbalance, Mental Health, Technology Ethics, Global health, Human Rights,'Cookie Cutter' Education System, Addiction, Wars, Immorality, Crime, Homelessness, Culture deaths, Financial system, Sex trade, Slavery & more. 


These are all are the result of behaviours opposite of GOD:

Division, Lies, Anger, Hate, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Wrath, Envy, Sloth


This is set up that God's Kingdom is the opposite of this world & found within not 'in the world'

As Christ taught 'Seek first the inner kingdom not the external one'

This world is Satans dominion, therefore worship this world & you are unconscious & worshipping 'the Beast'. 

& Christ then can seperate the Weeds from the Wheat to ensure no weeds infect his kingdom. 


This is most probably not the first time your soul has failed to find the inner light & you have unconsciously  worshipped Satan following the flesh over the spirit & remained 'fallen' asleep (Unconscious) ​


Final Chance & Your Solution 


To find your soul, through attaining Christ Consciousness

(Locating the kingdom of Heaven)

Allowing the Holy Spirit /frequencies to enter you

(Simplification: Producing internal good vibes, then external outward vibes)


Good People = Good Systems 

Soulful People = Soulful Systems 


You must become Awake.


Which does the following: 


Greed, becomes Contentment

Lust becomes Self-control

Gluttony becomes Fulfilled

Pride becomes Humility

Wrath become Forgiveness

Hate becomes Love


Once you truly have the Holy Spirit within, you produce the fruits of the spirit. 

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control 



1. God is the first Soul/Consciousness, then everything is duplicated from this.


Human's on earth are trying to learn How to be like God through overcoming the Knowledge of 'Good & Evil' 

to gain Eternal life 

As God doesn't want you to be Eternally BAD & EVIL!


 It's important to define who YOU are and learn how to be a GOOD person.

Due to free will, you can either be of darkness (EVIL) or of the light (GOOD)

Only souls of the Light enter the Kingdom.

It is up to the individual Soul to walk consciously in ways of the Light. â€‹


The 'Mass Awakening' is an opportunity for as many beings on earth to become the best versions of themselves by becoming the most conscious versions and knowing themselves at deeper levels, awakening divine qualities dormant in individuals, and reconnecting them to the ALL. But most importantly waking up, from the FALL.


This is an opportunity for souls to finally grow into the light, the final CHANCE.


Love, Truisck.




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Rainbow Clouds




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