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5.God's Wrath (Sermon Notes)

Updated: Dec 1, 2024


2 things I want to make Chrystal clear. 

  1. God never judges or punishes un-justly. 

  2. You reap what you Sow.  (System/not personal)  

  3. Gods wrath has always been.

  4. My Wrath & Anger is 

For Justice 

Unavoidable + Inevitable 




Calm & Collected 




Mental (You’ll beg me to swap it for physical) 

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

I keep my Fury at the thing I am mad at. If humans lose their temper, they tend to lash out at anyone or anything they can reach. Like a Hurricane that destroys everything in its path, My Wrath is a Sword that attacks the thing it’s supposed to attack.

war, sex slavery, natural disaster,  famine, homelessness,  Poverty, Hunger, Disease, war, crime, addiction, abuse, loss, death are all current forms of Human attracted suffering. 

But these do not even compare to the peril of being under my wrath, these are all temporary. 

These all may last a lifetime, But my wrath last’s forever. 

Some are going to paradise, for eternity. 

Some will suffer eternal condemnation away from the glory of God’s Might. 

Hebrews 10:31: "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Romans 12:19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

Romans 1:18: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness."

Psalm 7:11: "God is a righteous judge, a God who displays his wrath every day."

Nahum 1:2-3: "The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies."

Ephesians 5:6: "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient."

Revelation 14:10: "They, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath."

Romans 3:9-24

“There is no one righteous, not even one;

    there is no one who understands;

    there is no one who seeks God.

All have turned away,

    they have together become worthless;

there is no one who does good,

    not even one.”[a]

“Their throats are open graves;

    their tongues practice deceit.”[b]

“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”[c]

    “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”[d]

“Their feet are swift to shed blood;

    ruin and misery mark their ways,

and the way of peace they do not know.”[e]

    “There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Satans Kingdom and anyone who worships it is worshipping the darkness. 

I am jealous of all the worship He Gets, he did not create the universe or you. 

This planet people are so loyal to Satan. 

Whether they know it or not. IT DOES NOT MATTER 

I am absolutely furious. 

The lost dead re-cycled souls just all Blindly further Establishing the Matrix. 

Living, Working & Praising the Beast. 

While majority ignore the suffering surrounding. 

1. You cannot serve both God and money

Everyone’s so materialistic 

2. Love and pray for your enemies

People are so angry at each other and ready to fight! 

3. Turn the other cheek

People so sensitive and quick to react. 

4. Deny self, take up Christlike suffering

People complain, grappling, sooking but not healing themselves, addicted to their emotions, playing victims. 

9. Forgive others

People so resentful, scornful & unforgiving. 

10.Love your neighbour and Treat people how you wish to be treated 

I hardly see any community, loving vibes, people ignore each other and are lazy with communication.  

11.Make Peace 

Not a lot of peaceful people out there. 

12.Love God with all your heart. 

People love cars, money, Instagram, work, sex, not a whole lot of love for God. 

13.Seek first the inner kingdom 

A lot of people I chat with don’t even know what the inner kingdom is, or even how to find the soul. 

14.Shine your light 

People to busy holding lucifers false light. 

15.Be Humble. 

People are arrogant and prideful. 

Obviously the Living in God with Christ consciousness and produce the fruits of the spirit. 

This is the biggest bottle-neck of darkness ever seen in the history of the universe. 

But as the plan is so perfect this has all been divinely orchestrated & planned

So Suffering softens hearts through pain

humbles through loss 

opens minds through questioning via reality 

The age old battle of light and dark. From the beginning of Creation. 

Yes it is Good vs Evil. 

But, it is actually your true state vs your false state 

Light is our fundamental way of being, which is spiritual, natural, creative & magical. 

Opposed to dark which is physical, disconnected from nature, lack of imagination & logical minded. 

Main text



Understand that the light doesn’t wish to hurt or punish anyone. 

The light brings balance to the universe. 

But we work & adhere to the universal laws to keep the universe in Balance. 

Law of Attraction: Similar energies attract each other; positive thoughts bring positive experiences.

Law of Vibration: Everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibrates at its own frequency.

Law of Correspondence: Patterns repeat at different scales; as above, so below.

Law of Cause and Effect: Every action has a corresponding reaction; nothing happens by chance.

Law of Compensation: You receive what you give, in terms of effort, energy, and intentions.

Law of Relativity: Everything is relative; perspectives shape our understanding of experiences.

Law of Gender: Both masculine and feminine energies exist in all things, creating balance.

Law of Rhythm: Life has cycles; everything moves in patterns and phases.

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: Energy can change forms but is never lost; it transforms.

Law of One: All beings are interconnected; what affects one affects all.

So if something is out of alignment it is the lights duty to correct it.

From Stern Condemning & Rebuking to unconditional love. 

& Bring it the being back into resonance to the God intentions of creation. 

Although beings have free will. 

Point 1: History recap: 

Ancient documents/tablets/scrolls/Oral traditions 

All pointing towards spiritual living being the key to life through living in the light & harmony with the Creator. 

Ancient / Early lost or forgotten civilisations 

All Pointing to more Spiritually advanced than we are today. 

Devastated by Cataclysmic events due to falling into darkness leading to suffering. 

So nice and easy for you. 

Spiritual state - Then fall into darkness (Greed, competition, Anger etc) - then suffering - then Wrath/Judgement comes, mass reset. 

Sound familiar? 

What’s a life here on earth? 

Born spiritual state - Then Fall into darkness - Then suffer - Then Final judgment comes as no more resets

No more Mass or individual Life resets (reincarnation) 


The Old Testament

Narrates the story of God’s creation, the fall, Punishment of Man, Noahs Flood. God’s covenant relationship with humanity, depicting Gods opposition towards darkness & the battle against it, Law & commandments, the establishment of Israel, their trials and failures, other stories, and the promise of redemption through future prophets, culminating in anticipation of the coming Messiah. 

The New Testament 

presents the fulfillment of God's promises through incarnating as the Christ 1st bringing salvation through sacrifice & warnings of final judgments to come, establishing the kingdom of God & Defeating EVIL through teaching spiritual ways to gain eternal life. 

Revelation, the final Book of The Bible 

All prophetic insight of what’s to come, many things have already been fulfilled…

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • John receives a vision of Christ and is instructed to write to seven churches.

Chapters 2-3: Letters to the Seven Churches

The churches symbolically represent types of followers or spiritual conditions: 

Jesus give a commendation, Criticism & Strong encouragement to types of Followers: 

  • Ephesus: Represents believers who are active and doctrinally sound but may struggle with a lack of love and passion for Christ.

  • Smyrna: Symbolizes the persecuted church, representing those who face trials and suffering for their faith, yet remain steadfast.

  • Pergamum: Reflects Christ followers who may be compromising their beliefs due to societal pressures or false teachings.

  • Thyatira: Represents communities that are involved in good works but may be tolerating immorality or heresy.

  • Sardis: Symbolizes those who have a reputation for faith but are spiritually dead or inactive, lacking genuine faith.

  • Philadelphia: Represents faithful believers who endure trials and remain committed to their faith, often seen as a model of perseverance.

  • Laodicea: Reflects a complacent church, where members may feel self-sufficient and lukewarm in their faith.

Chapters 4-5: The Throne in Heaven

  • John describes a vision of God's throne, worship by heavenly beings, and the Lamb who is worthy to open the scroll.

Sovereignty of God: The throne symbolically emphasizes God's ultimate authority over creation and history.

Worship and Praise: Reflecting the nature of God's relationship with His creation.

Christ's Role: The depiction of the Lamb underscores the duality of Christ as both divine and human, emphasizing His sacrificial role in redemption and authority. 

Chapters 6-11: The Seven Seals and Trumpets

1st seal, white horse to conquer 

2nd seal, red horse to take peace and kill 

3rd Seal, black horse brings imbalance (rich vs poor, inflation etc) 

4th seal, pale horse, death, war, hunger, Rulers, Phamine

5th seal: souls of those who had been slain for the word of God to rest & given white robes.

6th seal:  Earthquakes (10k this year) , black sun, blood moon, stars fall, Heaven departs like a scroll, mountains move, all men flee & Hide from lamb God's judgment upon the earth, marking a significant turning point in human history.

The imagery reflects a total disruption of the natural order, suggesting that the end times are near and that God's sovereignty is being established. The reaction of humanity highlights their awareness of divine authority and their inability to withstand judgment, it reinforces the call for repentance.

144,000 Sealed: The faithful awakened are in resonance to the God frequency’s are sealed for protection.

Trumpets: Seven trumpets herald disasters and plagues on earth.

1st trumpet: A mix of hail and fire, mixed with blood, is hurled down to the earth. Burning a third of the earth/trees all grass. 

Symbolically represents the devastating impact of Sin on Mother Earth. 

2nd trumpet: Mountain burning cast into sea , sea to blood + animals died / 3rd part of ships destroyed 

Astroid & Representing the consequences of sin and impact on All life. 

3rd trumpet: star named "Wormwood" falls from heaven and contaminates a third of the rivers and springs of water.

The impact sin has on poisoning creation. 

4th Trumpet: a third of the sun, moon, and stars are struck, resulting in darkness over a third of the day and night.

Representing the impact of Sin has on your spiritual light, Bringing darkness to creation. 

  • Woes : 

Woa 1: 5th trumpet, star falls, key to bottomless pit, locust come out, 5 months of torment 

Refers to the Satanic forces that rule this world. 

Woa 2: 6th trumpet: 4 Angels bound at the Euphrates, to slay 3rd part of men killed. 

Emphasises the idea of divine retribution, the reality of spiritual warfare, and the consequences of human rebellion. It serves as a stark reminder of the seriousness of sin and the urgency of repentance and many will inevitablty perish. 

Chapter 10: The Angel and the Little Scroll

  • A mighty angel gives John a small scroll to eat

  • Points to the prophecy being both sweet (joy & Hope) & bitter (hardship & sorrow) 

  • The angel represents the strong, seriousness & authority the Angel has over all realms & points to the revelations being mysterious. 

  • Told to prophesy to encourage the importance of the mission. 

Chapter 11: The Two Witnesses and the Seventh Trumpet

  • Two witnesses prophesy and are killed but resurrected. Representation of The Law & the Prophets

  • The seventh trumpet signals God’s kingdom.

Chapters 12-14: The Woman and the Dragon

  • Chapter 12: A symbolic woman gives birth to a child (Christ), and a dragon (Satan) attempts to destroy them.

  • Chapter 13: The rise of two beasts, representing oppressive powers and false prophets.

  • Chapter 14: The Lamb and 144,000 (not a qty) are victorious, and judgments against the wicked are proclaimed.

Chapters 15-16: The Seven Bowls of Wrath

  • Angels pour out seven bowls of God's wrath, leading to various disasters.

1st: Plagues & sores - Judgment against those who have aligned themselves with evil, symbolized by the mark of the beast. The sores illustrate the physical and spiritual consequences of rejecting God.It highlights the suffering that comes from choosing to follow the ways of the world instead of God's path.

2nd: The sea turns to Blood

The sea represents the world & the blood is those who have taken the mark of the beast, that worship the satanic agendas of the 21st century and remain unconsciously of the world. 

Second death is all that worship the matrix and are in resonance to Hades will perish, and all whom vibrate to the kingdom of heaven will live, 

3rd: Rivers & Springs turn to blood 

Represents the threat to survival, illustrating the dire consequences of turning away from God and the disruption of the natural order as you are out of alignment. Darkness = Suffering

4th: people scorched with heat & they blaspheme 

The scorching heat represents pain & suffering caused by sin & mans failure to turn back to God as they have hardened hearts from sin.

5th: vial on the seat of the beast. 

This Symbolisez God's direct devine judgment against the Matrix, Satanic Kingdom of evil and those who oppose Him.

6th: bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 



7th: angel pours out his bowl into the air

This signifies the completion of God's judgments & the climax, human systems, powers, and institutions in rebellion against God all collapse. Large hailstones, weighing about a hundred pounds each, fall from heaven upon people SYMBOLIZING the destructive nature of this event, Although people will still blaspheme god due to hardened hearts. 


  • A vision of a woman Babylon representing the corrupting influence of empire and commerce.

The Woman(America) on the Beast (The Matrix)

7 heads(7 mountains (the empires/Kings) 

10 horns (10 kings (BRICS)

The 7th beast is the 8th 

Woman (America) 

5 had fallen when John wrote rev.

1 Egypt Satanic empire

2 Assyrian,Satanic empire

3 Babylonian Satanic empire

4 Medo-Persian Satanic empire

5 Greek Satanic empire

6th was Rome  Satanic empire

7th British empire (1600-1945) 

7th & 8th American Empire Satanic empire

Chapter 18: The Destruction of Babylon

  • A expression over the fall of America, depicting its complete destruction.

The Satanic Empires operating and controlling the system. (Not the Country)

All countries tied with her will fall to their knees. 

This will bring the whole world economy to a fall. 

Other countries will turn against her. 

Chapter 19: The Final Battle

  • The return of Christ as a victorious king, the defeat of the Matrix and the false prophet.

"Bride" of Christ, dressed in fine linen, representing purity and righteousness.

Christ is depicted as a powerful figure riding a white horse, symbolizing victory called Faithful and True, 

He judges and makes war with righteousness & wields a sharp sword to strike down the nations, 

His name is revealed to be "King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

gathering of the kings of the earth and their armies to battle against Him but they take the L, meaning they lose. 

Chapter 20: The Thousand Years

  • Satan is bound for a thousand years, followed by his final rebellion and Final judgment.

The Saints are resurrected (1st resurrection) to reign with Christ (Ascension)

Satan is released for a short time. He deceives the nations, leading them to gather for battle against the saints and the beloved city, but they are ultimately defeated by fire from heaven. (God Frequency)

Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, joining the Beast and the False Prophet.

Following this, The dead are resurrected and stand before the great white throne for final judgment.

Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire, 

All happening at the same time, Satan loosed, Saints resurrected, Christ to reigning, Judging, second death coming. 

Fire coming down from heaven could be Godly energy coming into earth. 

The energies are divided the Awake from the dead. 

The second death could be:

Major Solar flash that ends anyone that is not in resonance to the earths new resonance. 

A Major cataclysmic event that’s only experienced by some as people can experience different realities. 

Chapters 21-22: The New Heaven and New Earth

  • A vision of a new creation, with the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, where God dwells with humanity, culminating in an invitation to all to partake of the water of life.

Restoration: The renewal of creation reflects God’s plan to restore all things to their intended state in a Golden Age.

Intimacy with God: The promise of God dwelling with His people signifies an intimate, unbroken relationship.

Eternal Life: The imagery of the river and tree conveys the abundant life that believers will experience in the new creation.

Faithfulness: The call to remain faithful amid challenges emphasises the importance of perseverance in the Christian journey.

Point 2: Humans Wrath on my Mother

  • Humans are Custodians of the Land. 

  • Free will: Sovereign, creators of their realities (Individual timeline) + collective realities

  • God is not a puppet master (robots/autopilot, perfection) 

Biodiversity Loss: Human activities have led to the extinction of about 1 million species, accelerating the sixth mass extinction.

Deforestation: Over 10 million hectares of forests are lost each year, contributing to climate change and habitat destruction.

Pollution: Millions of tons of plastic enter oceans annually, harming marine life and entering the food chain.

Ocean Acidification: Increased CO2 levels are causing ocean waters to become more acidic, threatening coral reefs and marine biodiversity.

Water Scarcity: Over 2 billion people live in areas experiencing water scarcity, driven by over-extraction and pollution.

Soil Degradation: Unsustainable agricultural practices have degraded about 33% of the world’s soils, impacting food security.

Overfishing: Many fish stocks are overexploited, leading to the collapse of fisheries and threatening marine ecosystems.

Urbanisation: Rapid urban expansion leads to habitat loss, increased carbon emissions, and strain on resources.

Ice Melt: Glaciers are retreating at unprecedented rates, contributing to rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities.

Guilty = Unconscious / Chasing unethical, immoral and unsustainable gain in participation in the Matrix Beast. 

Not guilty = Conscious 

Point 4: Weak Sheep 

-The cold hard Truth ( Strong or Weak/Winner or Loser ) 

-Dead or Alive 

You need to take a real good look at yourself in the mirror. 

Point 5: Reap what you sow 

Look after your house and it will look after you. 

The universe doesn’t appreciate humans dark behaviours and retaliates justly every time. 

Wether it be God, The Angels, GAIA or another light-worker in the universe . 

There will always be consequences and effects in response to causes. 

Also you can’t trick the universe, like karmic retribution, God knows all Transgressions. 

-Personal manifestation

-Collective consciousness ( ripple ) 

-Law of attraction / Polarity ( Like attracts like )

-Dark intentions, Attention & actions 

-Darkness attracts suffering ( personal karma )  

-Darkness attracts suffering ( collective karma ) 

Micro = Giving someone a dollar and getting a dollar a week later. 

Macro= A planet in suffering and attractive a global clataclism to end suffering.  

Point 6: Past judgements: 

Sodden and gamora / fire and brimstone. 

Asteroids & Cataclysms wiping out past civilisations 

Floods large & small 


God only spares who is worthy. 

Point 7: Human caused judgments 

Gods “wrath” is only brought about by human action. 

Covid, Wars, Slavery, Famine, Weather events, terrorism, Crime, Pollution. 

Play with fire you’re going to get burned!

Point 8: Judgments to come 

World war 3 is already here. 

More pandemics 

Global control 

Point 10: Apophis | God of Chaos 

26.9 billion kg Asteroid 

On April 13 2029 Will Devastate the planet 

The Astroid named The demon serpent of darkness. Will enter a key hole and gravity will pull it to smash into the Pacific Ocean, 

will end many lives.

Many Satanic Elites have already begun building the Bunkers in preparation for things to come. 

Point 9: Hubris/Ignorance 

Hubris refers to excessive pride or self-confidence

Stubbornness to not humble yourself and admit that you are not part of something bigger than yourself. 

Unconscious spirits are so consumed by the false light or close minded by there beliefs 

Won’t even change or care even after hearing this. 

They will just continue in there Blind Arrogance 

Point 11: The Consciousness Revolution 

As I stated the universe responds to the vibrational frequency of our conscious states 

Earth must BECOME conscious & Bring in more light.

At the moment that astroid is attracted to the darkness of this planet and being summoned. 

Light can alter and overcome anything.  

I wish for non to Perish.

The mass awakening is an opportunity for many to return Home to the light. 

Suffering is an opportunity for your eternal soul.

Suffering leads to Salvation 

Point 12: 3D VS 5D Perspective 

Godly Spiritual perspective vs Human physical perspective 

Death is the beginning of Life in Gods eyes, but Humans see it as a Bad thing, but it’s freeing you from bondage.  

Romans 8:15-17 "The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."

Isaiah 26:20-21

20 Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. 21 See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.


Take aways.. 

The wrath of the creator, like his creation is intelligent. 

There is a Plan and Story that has been unfolding since the beginning. 

God has been patient, given souls plenty of opportunities. 

Sin leads to Satanic systems

Satanic systems lead to Suffering 

This is the last Satanic System. 

There is no more Resets. 

God is ending All Suffering. 

The Punishment is eternal damnation


Prayer / Meditation & Manifestation

Become conscious of your Manifestations, what you’re creating in your life. 

Conscious of your Attention  

Conscious of your Intention 

Conscious of your Actions 

Write 3x That are focused around becoming a better version of yourself. 


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