'A teacher is always quite while the students are being tested'
Master soul = God incarnate
There is only one god.
1. God living as a man, Master Soul in a Human Vessel
First i will state, A human body is limited in power in comparison to what a higher dimensional body can do, no matter the host consciousness. Full God & Full Human.
All sentient creation connects to the master soul and all is attached through the quantum field.
Let’s call these consciousness 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 and so forth.
God would be soul/consciousness 0.0
His consciousness is the master, original, source.
His Consciousness draws the path of the universe, its up to the individual to be in harmony with this Devine Path. God is the consciousness and everything else is the subconsciousness.
Thats why you want to be aligned with gods path/plan of light & love.
your free will allows you to stray from gods way.
But this means god has to judge/punish people not aligned.
Let me ask you this, if you had a parasite/cancer in your body what would you do with it?
Cure it or remove it correct?
4. Master soul vs Created Soul Functioning
GOD (Consciousness 0.0) is Manifesting Universal path & his Individual Soul/life Path.
His Consciousness (Soul) attaches to the Holy Spirit & Quantum Field
Gods human vessel functioning:
Consciousness controls the mind/holy spirit which controls the body
Body communicates the mind via senses, mind communicates to the Consciousness.
Other being: Consciousness 1.1: Manifesting Individual soul/life path.
The Consciousness / Soul attaches to the unique individual spirit
The Spirit is attached to the Individuals Body via astral cord.
Vessel functioning:
Consciousness controls the mind, mind controls the spirit/body.
Body communicates the mind via senses, mind communicates to the Consciousness.
Regulating nervous system / Energy work is important.
Emotional frequencies:
God and man becoming one in the 'end/start' is stating that God is going to be living with souls.
All together on the same vibrations of light.
5. God actually doesn't have to make sense.
Humans are constantly arguing over spiritual/scientific things in relation to God.
And the winner is always is the person that 'makes sense' and is logical or the theory that ‘adds up’
But, the truth is God actually doesn't need to make sense, he is greater than explanation and logic.
You are literally the most advanced floating energetic flesh machine in a magical world full of technologies that we & others can’t even begin to understand. Especially within the quantum realm. Things that humans can make sense of like a television is only scientifically understood as god allowed the explanation of the phenomenon to happen. But we can get to a point where things don’t need to be explained or understood.
When you actually step back, empty all the things you’ve been conditioned to accept as ‘normal’ you realise normal doesn’t really exist. So please wake up and start questioning reality and on the other side of conditioning is the magical world that’s been waiting for you.
6. The Master Soul is Consciousness therefore has a higher Mind. (As Above So Below)
Creator can never make a mistake as he is always in alignment with his higher mind and on the most Devine/path and plan, in complete alignment with the universe & the universe has his back 24/7. He cant make a mistake as whatever he does is inevitable to the plan.
Everything literally revolves around him (the sun, source of energy)
This means god has constraints and there is things he CANT do, as in if they are not in line with the plan/story the universe will intervine and save him from going the wrong way or making the wrong decision.
God can’t kill himself.
He can't DIE as he is energy, you cant kill or destroy energy.
He can’t create a room with no exit and be stuck in it for eternity.
He can’t handcuff himself to a pole and make the key disappear.
He can’t mess/alter the plan of Love/Light winning.
He can’t do these things as his higher mind would not allow it. His higher mind & The universe can override 'Bad decisions'. This is a good paradox that god has also set up for himself.
This paradox looks like as follows: If god created a room without an exit and placed himself in it. Gods higher mind or universe would somehow create a door or demolish a wall to free him.
Gods Holy Spirit (information/frequency/energy) together with the Universe (information/frequency/energy) operate together very similar and are all controlled within G's subconscious. Therefore god doesn't have to micromanage as you could imagine that would be a lot for one conscious mind to handle..
7. Who is the Master Soul
The last incarnation of the master soul was Jesus (yeshua) before he was crucified.
Before his death he warned below:
1. No one knows the day or the hour of my return.
2. There will be several signs, increasing in intensity, as my return draws near.
3. Pray for the strength to escape the things that are going to take place.
4. It will seem like a normal day.
5. I will repay everyone for what he has done.
6. Not everyone who expects to make it into Christ’s kingdom will.
7. There will be great persecution and many will fall away.
8. Because of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold.
9. Be on your guard. stay conscious (awakened)
10. I am coming soon!
Christs return will be revealed at the exact right moment in all his glory.
And the darkness has no where to hide
There is 144,000 'Star Seeds' on earth raising, assisting & experiencing the collective consciousness and ascension,
And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel Revelation 7:4
Light language
This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders. No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.
Revelation 14:3
God/Universe is also sending cosmic Energies/frequencies, this is a beautiful way of upgrading the consciousness / Earth's frequency.
The new Astrology age:
Age of Aquarius.
Going from the age of pisces (the fish)
Jesus is represented by a fish
It would make sense for him to return at the end of the 'Age of the fish'
The master soul (Christ) has already returned.
Just hasn't 'revealed' himself yet...