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Writer's pictureTruisck

Dark ways (Sin)

Updated: Oct 22, 2024

Sin is an act or thought that goes against God's commands and moral teachings. It represents a breach in one's relationship with God, disrupting the harmony and purity that God desires for humanity. Sin is seen as a failure to live according to God's will, resulting in spiritual separation from Him and harm to one's own moral integrity.


The sin: The description of the bad behaviour not accepted in the kingdom

Ways of 'the dark' (Sins)

Lying: Deceiving others or being dishonest.

Stealing: Taking what does not belong to you.

Murder: Unjustly taking another person's life.

Adultery: Showing disloyalty to your partner by cheating on them with another person.

Greed: Excessive desire for wealth, possessions or power.

Overconsumption: Over consuming material such as food, content etc

Envy: Resentment/jealousy towards others because of their possessions or status.

Pride: Excessive belief in one's own abilities or importance

Lust: Intense & inappropriate uncontrolled sexual desire.

Anger: Uncontrolled rage or hostility.

Covetousness: Strong unhealthy desire for something that belongs to someone else.

Blasphemy: Showing disrespect or irreverence towards God or sacred things.

Gossip: Spreading harmful or false information about others.

Dishonouring family: Showing disrespect or failing to honor your family members.

Idolatry: Worshiping false gods or placing anything above God.

Substance Abuse: Misuse of drugs or alcohol leading to harmful effects.

  • Violence: Inappropriate Physical harm or aggression towards others.

  • Bullying/Disrespect: Intimidating or mistreating others to assert power or control.

  • Discrimination: Treating people unfairly based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, or other characteristics.

  • Exploitation: Taking advantage of others for personal gain, often at their expense.

  • Neglect: Failing to provide necessary care or attention, often resulting in harm or suffering.

  • Abuse: Physical, emotional, or psychological harm inflicted on others.

  • Prejudice: Holding biased opinions or making judgments about others based on unfounded beliefs or stereotypes.

  • Corruption: Engaging in dishonest or fraudulent conduct, often in positions of power.

  • Harmful Manipulation: Influencing or controlling others in ways that are detrimental to their well-being (lowering someones vibration)

  • Addiction: Engaging/sustaining in behaviours that lead to harmful dependencies on substances or activities and not attempting or overcoming it.

  • Environmental Damage: Actions that harm or destroy natural ecosystems and resources.

  • Intolerance: Rejecting or discriminating against people who have different beliefs or lifestyles.

    • Judging: Condemning people and making people feel bad about who they are.

    • Sins against God: Hubris, False prophets, Pretending/Claiming to be the god, Cursing someone, Black magic, Forgiving sins or acting on behalf of God over someones life, Condemning/judging someone on behalf of GOD, Religious deception.

  • Cheating: Violating rules or ethics to gain an unfair advantage, often in academic, professional, or personal contexts.

  • Deception: Misleading others through falsehoods or omissions of truth.

  • Fraud: Wrongfully deceiving others to gain something of value, often financially.

  • Manipulation: Using deceitful tactics to control or influence others for selfish purposes (physical or emotional)

  • Revenge: Seeking to harm or punish someone in response to perceived wrongs.(Instead of forgiving)

  • Injustice: Perpetrating or condoning unfair treatment or inequality.

  • Negligence: Failing to act with reasonable care, leading to harm or damage.

  • Cruelty: Inflicting pain or suffering on others, either physically or emotionally.

  • Irresponsibility: Avoiding accountability for one's actions or failing to meet obligations.

  • Isolation: Deliberately excluding others or causing social alienation.

  • Excessive Self-Centeredness: Prioritizing one's own needs and desires to the detriment of others.

  • Disharmony: Creating or perpetuating conflict, Divide, discord within relationships or communities.

  • Hate Speech: Using language to incite violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on characteristics like race, religion, or nationality.

  • Coercion: Forcing someone to act in a way that they would not otherwise choose, through threats or pressure.

  • Neglect of Mental Health: Ignoring or dismissing mental health needs, either for oneself or others.

  • Disregard for Safety: Ignoring safety protocols or endangering oneself or others through reckless behavior.

  • Exploitation of Vulnerable Populations: Taking advantage of individuals who are in a weaker or more susceptible position.

  • Hypocrisy: Acting in a way that contradicts one’s professed beliefs or values.

  • Disregard for Consent: Ignoring or violating others' autonomy and willingness in personal or professional interactions.

  • Social Manipulation: Using social influence or networks to deceive or control others for personal gain.

  • Exploitation: Taking advantage of individuals through various means for your own gain.

  • Encouraging Harmful Behavior: Promoting or normalising dangerous or unhealthy behaviours, such as self-harm, inappropriate sexual or risky behaviour.

  • Disrespecting Body (Temple): Intentional physical harm, objectification, damage & unhealthy lifestyle choices (unconscious food intake, sexualisation, smoking, lack of fitness)

  • Intellectual Property Theft: Illegally using or copying someone else's creative work or ideas without permission or even stealing identity, false identity etc.

    Disrespecting Boundaries: Ignoring or violating personal or professional limits set by others.

    Lack of empathy: Forcing overly optimistic attitudes in inappropriate situations, which can invalidate genuine feelings and struggles or showing lack of care for others or just not caring.

    Excessive Competitiveness: Prioritising winning or success at the expense of fair play, ethics, or relationships.

    Invasion of Privacy: Unauthorised access to personal information or space, breaching trust and confidentiality.

    Unethical Experimentation: Conducting research or trials without proper consent, oversight, or consideration for the well-being of participants.

    Cultural Appropriation: Exploiting or misrepresenting aspects of another culture, often without understanding or respect.

    Colonisation: Taking control of a foreign land, settling it and exploiting its resources, while imposing & disrespecting its own culture and systems on the local population.

    Genocide: Intentional and systematic destruction of a specific group of people based on their identity.

    Undermining Others: Actively seeking to diminish or belittle others’ achievements, worth, or status.

    Unjust War: Engaging in or supporting conflicts that lack moral or legal justification.

    Intellectual Dogmatism: Rigidly adhering to beliefs or ideas without openness to alternative perspectives or evidence.

    Brainwashing or Indoctrination Adults or Kids: Forcing individuals to accept beliefs/lifestyles without allowing questioning or evaluation by the individual

If there is something above done , that you are unsure is a 'Sin' or Not, not clarified by the above please do the following quiz:

Step one: Identify the 'Activity or behaviour'

Step 2: Is the activity, lifestyle or behaviour damaging / Harming to yourself or others? If yes, its a sin.

Step 3:Is the root of the behaviour, lifestyle or activity one of the below?

- Because you are Masking, Hiding or protecting yourself.

- Because you are insecure

-Because you don't care about life or right or wrong)

-Because of unhealed trauma

-Because of unconscious desires

-You are conforming to a crowd

- You trying to fill a 'hole' inside

-Does the activity, lifestyle, Behaviour itself stem from listed sins or Behaviours

If yes to the above, your behavour, lifestyle or activity is a SIN.

Big questions to ask yourself:

Is this an unconscious or conscious behaviour?

What causes this behaviour?

How can i stop this behaviour?

What does my 'Higher Self' Think of this behaviour?

Is this good, bad, evil, right, wrong or correct?

Does this behaviour feel right or good?

Is it a high vibe or low vibe?

Is my internal cup full or empty?

Do i even know myself?

What are the implications of my actions?

What will God actually think of this behaviour?

The ways of the light (opposite of SIN)

The Way, the Truth & The life as God demonstrates as Man.

Love your neighbour (unconditional love to all)

Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you (respect others, how you wish to be respected)

Blessed are the peacemakers (Make peace, not war & be slow to anger)

Love your enemies (love the ones who dont deserve it the most)

Forgive. (Don't hold onto things as they only damage yourself)

Don’t be materialistic (Dont be in lack, and fill your cup with materialism)

Love God with all your soul, heart, and mind. (Love God=life itself)

Seek first the kingdom, and all else will be added to you (Seek God/Good within, not through external means)

Let your light shine (Know thyself & Be yourself, Authenticity)

Humility and service (be humble, and don't put yourself above others)

My advice to you is to not think so much about the bad/evil things you do, rather just commit your life to thinking/doing good and focusing on being positive and of the light- But most of all stay awake, stay conscious as majority of bad/evil activities/behaviours/lifestyles are unconscious as you have programmed yourself to be that way! Acknowledge that this is why Christ is the real GOD, as he actually walks the walk and talks the talk! What kind of god would set standards of perfection and not demonstrate them?

Heed these words if you are WISE.

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