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3.Quantum Spirituality (Sermon Notes)

Updated: Dec 1, 2024



This is not philosophy or ideas, this information is  recorded, mathematically, read scientifically proven. 

Not ideas, not concepts, FACTS & TRUTH, You may argue some of the Concepts around God, although this too is proven at this point through prophecy and historic events and many other things, that points towards intelligent design both physically and consciously. 






Consiousness or soul is the YOU, which is the never changing Continues stream of memory & essence of you outside of sensory perception. 

Body, age, job, name, partner can change. 

But soul essence always remains. 

the ocean can represent our boundless unique souls. 

& The god dream is the current or wave we are in. 

And the water; energy. 

The dream: 

The dream , creation or the universe, consists of interconnected fields of energy


But we physically interact with a tiny slice of this field, solid, liquids & gas. 

Within the space-time continuum we are located at as the dream unfolds. 

The universe or dream is 99 percent PLASMA!

Everything else is essentially plasma cooled down to form energy in the form of matter. 

The Fundamental states of Matter: 

  1. Plasmer Hottest / electrons stripped from respective at Atoms, creating free electrons and positive ions. 

Although negative and positive particles, plasma is neutral as there are neutral particles.  

Since free electrons are present, plasma can conduct electricity… 

Gas cannot, But plasma Can. 

Naturally occurring plasma is lighting, northern lights, stars. 

  1. Gas (vapers) colder  / loose particles / movable to shape and container of volume 

  2. Liquid (waters) more cold / tight particles lose / movable shape and container of volume 

  3. Solid (ice) coldest / tightest particles / rigid object 

ALL OF the God dream/universe/creation was contained within the original Plunk singularity, Humans most irreducible pixel measurement. 

This was located inside the master souls or Gods consciousness as potential, during the eternal meditation. 

God is energy, Everything is energy. 

we are inside of Gods dream, the ultra plasma light beam. 

Inside Gods unbounded, infinite Mind, outside of time & space. 

My dream is forever expanding and accelerating to portray my power within my own boundless soul, with your soul which is made in the image of mine, in synchronization, co-tuned or in parallel reception to the universal dream as I did not want to be forever alone. 

As my energetic soul can be transferred but cannot be created nor destroyed, Gods consciousness cannot be created nor destroyed although I can terminate individual souls transmissions if they fail to awaken & harmonise to the light. 

The universe is all energy, designed symmetrically, in loops and patterns that mimics mathematical geometric cycles  akin to inception, Reflections like Russian nesting dolls the big doll being gods consciousness splitting itself down to an ants cells dividing through mitosis. 

your atoms mimicking the way the solar system, which mimics the way the universe or dream works, also your consciousness is inside of gods consciousness,

Then you can dream so on and so forth. 

Soul to dream functioning: 

You brain in a reducing valve filter recieving/transmitting your primordial consciousness or soul, through the Quantum field which is your pure potential of the God dream expressed as wave forms. 

Consciousness acts as an antenna or satalite that translates these waveforms into interference patterns, then into particles, then fundamental sates of matter, like water for instance. Which your brain is 75%.

Your brain Then locks onto your 5 senses

Through sensory perception. 

Your brain doesn’t have sensory neuron’s. 

Couldn’t feel it if I poked your brain. 

Brain, neurons communicate through electrical signals and neurotransmitters….other parts of the body also communicate and interact with the field. 

+ your body also emits it’s own electro magnetic fields from places like brain & heart, heart (+1m) from your body and does influence others. 

So there is fields of energy all around us influencing us & that we also influence.. 


A vast ocean of energy that we move through.. 

Does a fish swim or is it carried by the ocean? 


Gods plan is woven into the thread of reality or field of energy,

Psycic field/prophesy

Soul alignment to God

the primordial will of god and intention of your life.. the frequency can be understood as the God frequencies, the Holy Spirit, the light of Christ. It’s the vibrations of your higher path preordained by god over your life, the path of light one must use their free will to align too. 

Then you are in resonance to pick up data/information & guidance from the Ultra light God quantum plasma dream field. 

Like a radio or tv does. 

Your soul is the primordial base viewer, plugged into creation, although free will allows your thoughts to tune your vibrational frequency. 

If I were to turn of all my sensors or brain, id still be there, I’d still be aware as I am not my brain or body, I am energy and I am frequency. 

 if a tv breaks, you don’t break the broadcast or any of the stations, same goes for your body… 

Neuroscience, quantum physics, and different accounts of experiences all identify consciousness as nonlocal

You have both Free will & Fate: 

No matter what you do, you end up where u end up. U Can’t change the destined future. 

free will allows The future carrying infinite possibility’s and pathways. 

But Fate remains as Only ever one road taken.

Every single thought, action & life is Pre-forecasted & preordained by the master soul. God knows ALL. 


studies have shown that brain activity related to decision-making can be detected up to 4 seconds before a person consciously makes a decision

Your brain is already processing, outside of the conscious awareness, before you have even consciously perceived it. You are calculating the response before the effect. 

The processing is already well in place, directed at the decision before having the conscious experience 

Even before you will’d or made the decision in regards to the timing of the choice or action itself. 

So to understand this, I could have a machine and read the brain data and know what you’re going to think, do & say before you do.

You have Free Will to consciously live and make your own decisions & choices, BUT, not only does god know what you’ll do but it’s been pre-evaluated & ordained by God as everyone is characters in HIStory or MY story…

It is all written, where you end up is where God Knew you would end up, but it is still 100% your decisions that lead to this moment.

For example, My Life, I can do whatever I want and go wherever I please as I’m sovereign and have free will, although, there is a predestined path laid out that is 100% impossible to avoid. 

You’re probably thinking 💭 

“If God knew id be a murderer why did he create me?” 

1st: There is no mistakes, everything is to flow naturally, allowing free will means allowing the plan to unfold in its set course. 

2nd: God didn’t make murderers, he gave you life, and the soul chose that path, god doesn’t create how souls think and operate, but authorising it. 

3.Everything, and I mean everything was spoken into creation, God saw the dream and couldn’t cherry-pick bad souls out, as I was pleased with the balance & order of creation as the command order was given to be perfect and balanced so dark and light is created in that, including souls. 


Time and space are connected, there is no space without time, and no time without memory. 

Before the beginning was god

(eternal consciousness soul med)

In the beginning was the word

thought=memory=time=dream=creation=universe )

The word becomes flesh.

The souls manifests in the dream 

Master consciousness incarnates in creation

God enters space-time

Known as the Christ. 

So if you were to move space-time backwards to you go back to the singular point

You would gather all light, duplicated souls, energy, information, ideas, matter and jam it into one pixel known as a micro plunk, or the source spark. 

which is infinite in energy, infinite in information & potential. 

The primordial built up & contained intention Inside the consciousness of God, that the vibrational word commanded to begin, “Let there be light.”

This spark was outside of time-space as all memory is contained inside of it and not measurable until Gods mind finished the visualisation manifestation meditation. 

The more the dream expands, the more layers or scales of time you get

Hence why time is relative, time changes at different points of the universe. 

We as souls are fixed although tuned to time-space moving through us like a movie reel from the ordained future and away towards the chosen path’s past.  

As the dream unfold before our tuned satellite souls we progress through informational data transmitted through energy, example: photons of light, electrical signals known as downloads we can pick up through the field while in resonance to the holy frequencies or in communion with the Holy Spirit

These are relative to the positioning of your life’s journey in space-time & the consciousness level you are at. 

Your Prayer, manifestation or calling was answered before you existed. 

God placed it all ahead of you. Not in real time. 

This could be for a:

A teenager spiritually guided…

A monk taking psychedelic plants. 

Or a prophet dreams. 

Or God himself getting nailed on the cross. 

You might be thinking parallel etc.. 

There infinite future possible realities 

BUTNOT multiple split realities versions of you! 

NOT parralel realities versions of you! 



Alignment to the dream  

You want your soul to be swimming with the current of the god dream in the light of Christ, Aligned to the holy vibrations of the Holy Spirit

As that’s the primordial intentions of the manifestation of Authentic creation, Authentic you. 

A vision of your true self envisioned by The master consciousness, while the micro plunk, source spark vibrational word singularity at the commencement of space-time expansion intentional initiated, a version of you that’s aligned with Gods soul, operating at Christ’s Consciousness, synchronised to Master Souls Consciousness satellite. 

Attuned to the frequencies of God, But you can disconnect to it… fall from it…

So here on earth we move through memory & information all in the form of energy.

As we consciously evolve through the Co-ordinates of the universe, everything is a symphony and you want to be in harmony to Gods Vibrational frequency. The light of Christ, the ultra light plasma cosmic rainbow beam dream.

Not untuned to it, disconnected and lost in darkness. 

Sharing through the spirit:  

I am letting the my Holy Spirit work through me as I speak to bring forth information through the quantum field, into this space-time continuum reality using my energies as we pass through as that is my plan. 

It’s all organised, an intelligent design network.. only chaos when your heads in the dirt. 

It’s a not a collage, not a puzzle, but an intricate quantum mosaic my soul created. 

My consciousness created. 

Space-time is an entangled fabric, threaded and weaved frequencies of both particles & waves.


Everything is connected through the fundamental field of energy, everything is connected in the dream & everything can be documented & recorded. 

Understanding energy Machanic 

Everything is made of energy, from solid matter all the way down to the plunk being the fundamental pixel of the universe, It is basically the smallest measurement of energy, but you can go infinitely into that. 

For instance a single brick contains 

Atoms consist of a nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in orbitals.

The Protons and neutrons are made of quarks, which are held together by the strong force, mediated by particles called gluons. 

The fundamental forces are gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear forces.

The macroscopic properties of a brick—like its hardness, thermal conductivity, and color—emerge from the arrangement and bonding of these atoms and their electrons, particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties.

There are 75.3 septillion atoms which is a lot in a single brick. 

Now think about how complex a human body really is, on a complex planet in a complex universe, tuning to your soul. 

How about your favourite food? 

Some pretty tasty atoms, huh? 

How ignorant one must be to see my Creation as an accident. 

Wake up. 

How dare you. 

While killing this planet & disrespecting the temple gifted to you. 

Your not only successful in destroying the beauty in spirit, and disgrace God.

But you destroy the material too. 

Absolutely Pathetic. 

Quantum Spirituality & How I view the world. 

I’m only using human explanations & science to get my points across… 

The following is creative talk to express ideas! 

But remember I am fundamentally magical & unexplainable as well as inevitable. 

Technology analogy to understand spirituality. 

God father is the Power source, computer, & Programmer, guide, & the program one can integrate to assist on the journey. 

Creation/universe is the game or system you interact with inside the computer. 

The dimension you are in is the map, level or interface your soul is attuned to.. 

Consciousness is the player 1st person view and controls the character. 

Your temple is the character itself, harnessing the energies. 

Thoughts, intentions and attentions are antennas tuning to the correct vibrations to level up. 

Pray is requesting to the program, inputting your data to the command centre. 

Meditation: Shutting off your created subjective data and clearing old files, emptying bin, to allow downloads from the source cloud to to be locally stored. 

(Light and energy, as we know light carries information through frequency) 

Law of attraction: making the game work for you

Thoughts internal vs external 

writing/journal, talking casting spells with word 


Your consciousness then communicates magnetically to the universe to pull things towards your life. 

This could be anything from a career, friends or situations. 


Editing the atoms by bringing in the Holy Spirit of God and overriding the dark ‘viruses’. 

Using the energy of God, The light of Christ. The Holy Spirit.  

Information & power etc, chi, Breath-work 

My Perspective view of others and life. 

  • Reading vibrations 

  • Reading the future flow of space-time

  • Scanning large areas and commanding energy. 

  • Visual (aura/frequency static) 

Most spiritual experiences are energetic experiences…

Its actually tapping into frequencies and getting information through energy waves

For instance, when someone activates the pineal gland, which acts like a transducer radio it’ll starts to consciously perceive & receive higher vibrational frequencies while instantly viewing from a higher state of consciousness being the soul detached from 3D egomind. 

Clearing shadows (chakra activation) 

Staying in Alignment: 

iPhone to headphoness Bluetooth 

Tuning to the correct vibrations… 

Fallen/lost no signal 

Soul formless 

So consciousness is transferred to body or the very fabric of space-Time, which can be manipulated through quantum techniques, vibration etc pyramids, old ancient technologies. 

Editing reality essentially… playing God. 


The soul is the unending awareness memory stream broadcast of Consciousness tuned to the ultra light vibrational frequency god dream, an  intentional beam of quantum fields of pure potential 

expressed as waveforms & electrical signals, then to interference patterns, then into particles, then fundamental states of matter (Gas, solid, liquids like your brain which is the reducing valve in the energy field itself for your soul to receive signals through sensory transduction to experience the universe or creation in 1st person & in real time, making decisions with your free will via thoughts that set your internal vibrational frequencies, aligning to God’s frequencies thus carrying your cross attaining Christs consciousness, or surcuming to unholy vibrations Denying Christ. 

The universal field or god dream and your consciousness or soul is intrinsically linked, Although matter is space-time local & consciousness is not. 

My dream or my story or his-tory has been going for a while now & we are at the last suffering climax, I am really over the suffering. 

& to end suffering all darkness will be erased from the dream. 

So remove the Ego, pick up your dam cross & remove your darkness NOW by seeking the inner kingdom: 

  1. Identify it by knowing thyself

  2. Heal it by loving thyself

Then get into universal flow state & ride the quantum waves aligned to the light of Christ. 

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