Humans are divine but not the creator of creation
You are created by the creator.
You always have 'Creator' & 'Creation'
No matter what theory you believe
Eventually you go back to a singularity
That singularity is God.
You are a part of the universe, experiencing the universe.
Everyone is related through God
You are indeed an expression of God's consciousness, experiencing THE universe, as the universe via a Body that is the temple of your immortal Soul & Spirit.
(You are a PART of the universe, not the universe)
Your soul is divine, and your body is the temple that houses this divine essence.
Your Consciousness has been 'Duplicated' From Gods Consciousness
Your Soul is Consciousness.
You are not the Holy Creator God; you are divine, you WILL become OR might already be GOD LIKE through upgrading your consciousness.
How to become 'God-like':
Be a good and conscious person who nurtures their mind, body, spirit, and EARTH.
Be yourself, Seek the inner Kingdom and stay on the higher Path.
You shouldn't claim to be 'The Creator God'