The below will educate you on your Free will & Knowledge of Good & Evil
First understand how God views his creation as 'The Father'
2. Human beings are 'Adult Children'
God allows humans free will & sovereignty to make their own decisions and mistakes...
He is not a puppet master, and does not micromanage your live, its your life!
Simply, your decisions are your responsibility not Gods.
As the Creator, God had to allow Humans to make mistakes and learn independently; otherwise, they would not truly learn and would be controlled, Not sentient, not consciousness.. more like 'bots' rather humans. Also interfering would undermine their sovereignty and strength gained from overcoming challenges themselves it would create unstable 'spiritual scaffolding' destined to eventually collapse.
Creator decided not to coddle or shelter souls in the consciousness development stage but to guide and assist them where appropriate. For example: An independent individual matures more than someone that lives with their parents there whole life.. when an 'Adult child' seeks guidance, they demonstrate humility and readiness to learn. Hence Gods rule: Seek, and you ye shall find/receive.
Good (Light) vs Evil (Dark)
Initially, God was formless consciousness itself then, Created 'light beings' including sentient creatures, being in unity with Gods path and the universe - But not fully conscious as they didn't have the Knowledge. Knowledge of Good(Light) versus Evil(Dark) is identified 'on the path' to the tree of eternal life. Knowledge of evil introduced temptations for selfish gains, leading to the recognition of actions as either good or evil eventually resulting in Death, sickness, pain, and suffering due to stress and negative vibrations which UN-tethers a soul from God through ego development, which has adverse effects on a vessel/temple. Physical death comes, offering the soul a chance to return to the light. Individuals lose authenticity as they become self-conscious and realize they can deceive others for personal gain, creating hierarchies and making their own rules & unfair structures. Increased structure and conditioning leads to groupthink, destroying nature, diminishing individuality. The system becomes skewed to favor cheaters and the power-hungry, perpetuating inequality where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer as well as enhancing the '3D physical plane' of reality over the spiritual way of god & the light. This is clearly demonstrated in societies 'Matrix' system.
Fact: The Ancient Samaria stella dates the Kings that ruled over that time.
A King would rule for thousands of years at a time, Yes One King for thousands of years
Vessels were immortal when living in harmony with GOD, his plan & The universe.
Understanding "Right vs Wrong" &"Good vs Evil"
"Right" and "wrong" generally refer to adherence to or violation of rules, laws, or moral standards. For example, cheating on a test is wrong because it breaks the rules. Right: Following traffic laws, being punctual. Wrong: Stealing, plagiarising.
"Good" and "evil" pertain to the moral quality or intention behind actions. Good actions benefit others or promote well-being, while evil actions intentionally cause harm or suffering.
Good: Charity, Helping someone in need etc
Evil: Committing violence, Rape, Genocide, Torture, Murder etc.
So.. "Right" and "wrong" relate to rules and standards, while "good" and "evil" concern the moral impact or intention of actions.
Understanding Free Will:
God has gifted complete control over mind, body, and spirit. Individuals possess free will and sovereignty - Akin to playing a video game where one can choose to interact with real people rather than robots - God chose to allow individualism, preferring to engage with real people who exercise their free will and not just Sims.
Evil = Suffering
There are two types of suffering in this world:
Human cruelty and suffering (rape, murder, war, animal cruelty, environmental etc.) This Occurs because God does not intervene in-between human free will in this world. Intervention would negate the human capacity for choice, a fundamental aspect of being human. (Angels or 'higher dimensional' beings only intervine when necessary to 'Save the humanity from there own stupidity'
but only when inline with 'The Great Plan')
Natural cruelty and suffering (e.g., cancer, tsunamis, volcanoes) these arise due to the misalignment and disconnection from God caused by Humans - Natural balance and harmony, including weather patterns, animal habitats, and human bodily functions, depend on a harmonious connection between Humans, Mother Earth, God & The universe. Earth, a living entity, requires care for optimal function, similar to how caring for one's body ensures its well-being. The Rule of Cause and Effect states that every action (cause) has a corresponding reaction (effect). In other words, everything that happens is the result of a preceding cause, and every cause leads to a specific outcome. This principle emphasises that nothing occurs by chance; rather, events are linked through a chain of cause and effect. karma or more popularity known: 'What comes around goes around') you can bring karma from past lives into new lives.
Evil=Darkness, Chaos, Suffering, Pain & Death
Good=light, Order, Pleasure, Life