First things to understand:
You are not a body with a soul, you ARE a soul with a vessel/temple/spirit.
'Enlightened' is NOT a process of adding or gaining light to yourself.
It is the removal of Ego, Trauma & Walls that had cast shadows.
Causing you to live in the dark and remain on low vibrations (Fear, Greed & Desire)
Thus, separating the connection between you and the ALL.
We are all on an eternal soul journey & we evolve consciously and adapt physically this is nothing to do with intellectualism. It’s knowledge + wisdom + being humble which expands consciousness.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:77
Knowledge through seeking, wisdom through understanding, fruits through actions.
Part One: Killing the Beast
Satan is the EGO, Against your greatest good, trying to stop you from fearing GOD
Stopping the following:
Seeking via laziness/comfort, distractions, Temptations
Knowledge via Lies & Deception
Understanding via Deception
Wisdom via Corruption & Distortion
Forget Humans, Angels, Demons, Lucifer, God & Satan for a second and actually take some responsibility and pick up your own cross, Look within, seek the inner kingdom.
You have the capability inside you to show character of any of the above in any given moment.
We are all ONE is Christ our Lord.
Because I hate to break it to everyone but majority of the souls on this planet are Fallen Angels (Fallen asleep)
When a soul falls asleep, their true soul 'detaches' from their body as their temple is unfit to hold Christ’s light thus deteriorating and attracting negativity to the mind, body & spirit. Also known as being unconscious.
You go from conscious (soul) to an instinctual being that just chases things like a hamster on a wheel but never actually satisfied as you’re empty and un-illuminated and trying to fill your cup with the false light, the light of the anti-you, the light of the ego, the light of lucifer, the light of satan, the light of the world, the system, the light of the Beast and carry the mark of the fallen.
For example:
What do people do in Los Angeles (aka lost angels) they go to groups like the Illuminati/Satanic parties run by the false light bearers then sell there souls or as i like to say take the blue-sleeping pills and completely turn the lights off because they are so empty inside & choose to go against gods way.
Or maybe Sin City sparks your interest, where people go to fill there vessels with false light through material gain, but all they gain is more shadows.
It’s all about wether you have found your light or not, awakened from the fall or stayed asleep. Is soul connected or severed, are you conscious or unconscious.
Because guess what, material things are great when you own them and they don't own you!
It doesn't matter if you are a Saint, church pastor, Witch, or Plumber. What God do you serve, and how truly illuminated are you. God of unity and abundance or the Beast of seperation and Lack
Are you conscious or unconscious? Do you have a soul, or are you an empty vessel...
Are you lit or Dim
Do you have a Good vibe or Bad vibe?
I can personally see straight through people like they are made of glass, and determine wether they have a soul or not before they even open there mouth, I can feel peoples energies from miles away.
Its Confidents, Presence, Authenticity, Love & that creates a particular frequency i can pick up on akin to young children.
Can stop themselves from doing, desiring & physical/emotional reactions.
Control there thoughts responsibly.
Use desernment and not just believe and follow what they’re told.
Don’t find comfort in the comfortable meaning they need to stay stimulated.
Know their Devine value.
Aware the system (aka the beast) is bad, Therefore stand against it, participate in it against it (Trojan horse) or serve & give to others affected by it.
Have a strong relationship/sense to the ALL (God, Nature, Energy etc)
Worship and see their divinity and the divinity in all.
Display Good character, fruits of the spirit (Holy)
The fallen asleep
Can't stop themselves from doing, desiring & physical/emotional reactions.
Don't Control there thoughts responsibly.
Don't use diserngment and just believe and follow what they’re told.
Find comfort in the comfortable meaning they lack purpose & stimulation.
Don't find Devine value in themselves or things.
Un aware of the bad system (aka the beast) and just participate in it mindlessly or for self gain.
Have a weak or non-existent relationship/sense to the ALL (God, Nature, Spirit/Energy, Other)
Worship their EGO and seperate/other themself from the all.
Display BAD character (Un-Holy)
Personal suffering is a tool that is meant to destroy the Ego (Satan) and bring you back inside to introspection, in hope you remove trauma, heal and allow the light in as sometimes ' The road to enlightenment is paved in suffering'
Now, you understand this, understand How resets (reincarnation) and Mass resets (mass disasters) are plausible to bringing a soul back to the light as it removes shadow, trauma, baggage, walls etc that a stubborn individuals may not remove otherwise.
Reincarnation is REAL (Human to human vessel)
There has been thousands of studied reincarnation cases, Dr Stevenson alone has researched 2,500
God wants to give a soul MANY chances as he is Just & Fair. Most religions would argue that you have one life, that literally means 'My God' is 108x more loving, just & fair than there’s.
As they would say you burn in hell for eternity after one life. ( Im glad that god ain't mine ;) )
MANY have strayed, then fallen, then become lost although returned to the light, some have chosen to come back for this point in time to assist and some are coming now from ancient times past.
We are now at the final lives/generations since the last mass reset (The flood) in which beings were stuck in the shadows causing major destruction and suffering and not enough light to turn them around.
Last 4 generations
Generation X: Final soul incarnations
Generation Y: Final soul incarnations
Generation Z: Final soul incarnations
Generation Alpha: Souls of the light
Alpha brain waves are neural oscillations with a frequency of 8 to 12 Hertz. They are typically associated with relaxed, calm states of mind, such as during light meditation or when you're daydreaming. Alpha waves reflect a state of relaxed wakefulness and are thought to enhance mental clarity and well-being.
You can clearly see this play out when you look at the world today, youth crime higher than ever, suicide rates, the culture is more unconscious/un-godly than ever & they lack vision and purpose in life. Dog-eat-dog mentalities.
Hints in Society at whats happening:
If you can read the current names of songs, movies it clearly all spells out where we are at as a collective and where we are headed.
The Slave System, Society and culture is ALL backwards.
Matrix system (The Beast)
Funnelled by:
Schools: 'Sit down, shut up and get on the conveyor belt'
Workforce: 'Sit down, stress yourself to death. But, Money!! Short Holiday, repeat. Buy stuff, repeat, buy stuff...
Feeds the following:
Wars: 'Sit down, shut up and kill that beautiful child, so it hurts the other guy in the suit, shake hands, make money repeat'
Pharmaceutical: harm yourself chemical, fix yourself with chemical, chemicals make you sick, kill yourself with chemicals.
Sex slavery, Hunger, Homelessness, + More
(Corrupt leaders & Participants)
Distracts you through:
Energy harvesting: Have this, Watch this, Say that, Do this, Eat that, Fake news, Hate this, like that etc.
Basically it just keeps you comfortable enough to not worry, happy enough to not change and dumb enough to not figure it all out.. Help me kill the Beast?
Yeshua isn’t ‘coming back/forward’
First I will say I’m not saying to stop worship or follow Jesus as a deity, that’s beautiful. I have been a believer/follower my whole life and still am.
I say 'coming forward' as technically we are here in ‘cycled time’ therefore he would be coming back to the future which is a forward transition.
Yeshua or jesus was the label given to the vessel in which the Christ (god incarnated) abided in at that series of time to educate on how to live in the light. Technically speaking saying 'jesus' is coming back is stating the vessel/label of him is coming back - The christ (Master Soul/God) is back, but not necessarily Jesus. I am NOT saying jesus wasn’t GOD, he was one of Gods 'Past lives'
God being all knowing as well, knows that returning as Jesus/Yeshua would just seperate and cause more division.
Christ being GOD is the ALPHA & the OMEGA.
Christ (in-time & physical) holy spirit (Omnipresent spirit) father (Boundless)
Christ is the creator, the one that exists & creates existence.
God is the God over all religions, the god of America, Asia, Africa, Antartica, Europe, South Africa, Oceania. The God of all the Ancient civilisations, islands, tribes and indigenous people, All animal life, The God of the Angels, Demons & all life outside of earth. The king of the whole universe & realms.
While the ‘Christ’ is in-time working with beings in-time using the fathers guidance & shared light (soul) in a human vessel (physical) to cast light over shadows (Darkness)
While the father and sons spirit (light) is omnipresent and is accessible to all.
Known as the Holy spirit.
Completing the Holy Trinity.
Now, Understand the Christ is submissive to the fathers will only, as the Christ moves through time confined to his destiny through prophecy. You cannot stop this and the Christ carry’s the power of the father and alters the path of the universe even in his human vessel in alignment as the will of the son is the will of the father. (Inevitability)
This means that your god isn’t a guy in the sky, a dictator, monster or puppeteer.
Two points about the return of the Christ:
He's returning to rebuild peoples temple, with truth & light...not a temple.
He chooses 'Souls' not nationalities
Though there is Royal bloodlines as part of the Master Plan
God understands suffering and knows he must suffer with his creation, in creation. Two reasons:
1: To gain empathy for others:
If god is controlling and calling shots from above how is that fair? He needs to be tempted by Sin and overcome it to even know what it is? He needs to not murder someone to know that self control is possible? He needs to be killed to understand the thresholds of pain vs pleasure.
2: It’s just and fair:
Some may say he is all knowing and powerful, could he just figure out what’s right and wrong? He could, BUT that’s not JUST, you see he is ALL just, therefore he must practice what he preaches otherwise he would be a hypocrite.
Now, God, Also being a king is bound by laws, Contracts & Covenants set by himself. To honor his duties.
There is a contractual obligation that God must fulfil to be ALL JUST that humans have not questioned.
Scenario: For a Fallen soul to come back to the light and say overcome depression/Sin/Addiction etc is one of the hardest, most uphill emotional and mental battles an individual has to endure especially once asleep and in separation and the ego (Satan) is in control & the new god you worship is so shiny and clean (matrix system aka the beast)
Yes, Yeshua was without separation, without sin, enlightened from birth to death, with the light of the father, a conscious, awakened soul his whole journey and the light never diminished.
BUT, for Christ our Lord God to be all JUST he had to fall as well, seperate from his own source, soul & let go of the fathers light.
Three reasons why:
1: It would be unfair for him to expect others to do what he has not achieved.
How could he ask so much of man, not ever knowing what it’s like, how hard it is & to prove that he is who he is and that the light IS the way, they light is the truth & the light is the life.
2: To be relatable:
Remember God made the universe to be his home, to create loving connections and unity. God actually doesn’t want to feel better than anyone, he wants connection, unity and to empathise & relate to his creation.
3: The beauty in Healing & Spiritual Awakening:
God wants to experience real life, and a spiritual awakening is one of the most beautiful things a being can grow through - and god wants to experience it - Now just think about God's spiritual awakening..yeah...Crazy - The psychedelic experiences!
4: Strength:
An arrow only shoots as far as it’s pulled back, some may say God doesn’t need to grow or evolve. But to that i say why not? Again growth and struggle God designed, why would he not want to grow through things himself and strengthen.
5. Because he is Noble:
He wants to be 'Him' he want to prove to everyone, and himself just how good he is to then earn his place, even though its his birthright.
God is a man of his word, literally and literarily.
Yes, He is ALL powerful, ALL knowing, ALL consuming, Omnipresent & Omnipotent.
But most of all, he is All Loving, All Just
And a fair God.
And thank God he is, which leads me to my next point:
This world is Gods example of what the universe looks like without him, what it’s like to worship anything other than him - and quite frankly it’s absolutely terrifying.
If you do not align with the ways of light.
Nor do you produce the fruits of the spirit.
I do not want you in my vicinity.
Bluntly and simply put,
We do not worship the same God
& you are a bad vibe.
Please wake up, you have fallen, asleep.
We are one, not seperate.
Love wins always
God wins always
Light shines forever.