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The Paradigm shift

Writer's picture: Truisck Truisck

Updated: Dec 1, 2024


'Where attention goes, your energy Flows'

whatever you think or focus on becomes your reality.

So, if you focus on negative memories or the past, your brain will not just create a negative mind, but you'll also attract negative into your life.

Remembering the beautiful future

The past: (only exist in thought)

I respect the past, Show gratitude to it & But I DON'T think about it. (Of course i cherish memories and get nostalgic) But it really doesn't serve me in any way, whats done is done.

The present: (exists) I stay conscious, control my thoughts and as present as i can.

The future: (only exist in thought) I try to consciously & intentionally manifest a beautiful future

Any of the above unconscious is NOT healthy and is your EGO, remember consciousness=control so the key is always being conscious.

From: Victim Mindset (hurt people, hurt people)

This is someone who dwells on the past because of (trauma) & doesn't heal or deal with it & is not aligned with god or there higher purpose.


Inner work: You MUST completely un-plug from the world, all senses, shut your mind down, go within, find your soul, find peace, find yourself & listen. Some things could also be Praying (although careful you aren't putting things on god you should carry), Dance, Yoga, plant medicine journey's, sound healing and other ancient healing modalities.

Outer Work: Time with friends, Church, Community, Exercise, Service, Relationships, Healthily Talking about your problems, Nature, Podcast, Seeking, art, music.

The inner work is MORE important than the Outer work. Why? Because, you can't love the world until you love yourself & if your cup isn't full its poisoned and you are a tree bearing bad fruit.

Essentially the goal is becoming your authentic self & softening your heart by breaking down your walls.

This mindset cannot enter the Kingdom, Heres 3 reasons why:

  1. Low vibrational, pessimistic, negative people and bring people down.

  2. The person has not done the work to heal thus not 'Carrying there cross'

  3. They are unconscious, asleep & unauthentic and operating through ego.

To: Creator Mindset (healed people, heal people)

Someone who is conscious, healed & intentionally guides there intention & attention towards healthy goals, has a vision and aligned with god and there higher purpose.


This mindset can enter the Kingdom, Heres 3 reasons why:

  1. High vibrational, optimistic, positive people and uplift others.

  2. They have done the work & 'Carried there cross.'

  3. They are conscious (soul), awake & authentic, overcome the EGO.

Final comments:

It's all about the fruit you produce, yes, the foliage, trunk, stems and soil are all very important.

Move the tree if you have to, trim it, add new soil, cuts parts of, water the heck out of it...But, The roots anchor the tree, absorb water and the nutrients - Healthy roots support the overall stability and nourishment of the tree, Go within, strengthen your root (soul/consciousness). Then the fruit will come Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Gentleness, Self-control.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God.

Matthew 5:5-9

“So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”

Mathew 20:16



Rainbow Clouds




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